Keep It Simple

You really only have two options when it’s rainy, or cold, or gawd-awful hot and humid, or you’re a little sore, or tired, or pick any of the excuses you’ve heard from sad clowns in your orbit: you can embrace the suck and press on, or you can cash it in.  Embracing the suck is transformational.  It builds discipline and resilience, it provides a sense of accomplishment at overcoming challenges, and it deepens bonds with any of the other crazy yahoos out there with you.  Cashing it in is stasis, it is the status quo.  I was glad to see 14 other PAX down in the Peak city foregoing stasis for a chance to grow.

The Warm-up

Cheddar-Bo, however, was static this AM.  As in MIA.  As in instead of starting at the end of the park for warm-up, we had to do some jogging to get there.  Which was fine, ‘cause that brought out the mumblechatter sharp and early (the 1.4% chance of no mumblechatter in yesterday’s pre-blast was the hedge against Burt not showing, when he walked up under the flickering lamp-post, the forecast was 100%).

Jog all the way back, with 20x SSH, 10x Good mornings, and 10x Willie-Mays Hays along the way.

The Thang 1

Beginning from the top of the circle, jog around and 1x Burpee

Round 2 was reverse jog and 2x Burpees

Round 3 was karaoke and 3x Burpees (by now, even Burt had recognized the pattern)

Round 4 was 1/2 high knees and 1/2 butt kickers, and 4 Burpees

Round 5 was Side Shuffle and 5 Burpees.  While holding for the six, Burt taunted with some comment about Mucinex in reference to my name, which earned the PAX 5 more Burpees

Jog down to the two picnic shelters for

The Thang 2

YHC reminded the group that those not forged in the crucible either sleep in on rainy mornings or seek shelter to stay dry.  Picnic Shelter 1 was the arms and chest station (20x each exercise), Shelter 2 was the leg station (20x each exercise), with creative travel options in between.

Round1: merkins, bear crawl to squats, broad jump to

Round2: dips, crab walk to box jumps, lunge-walk to

Round3: Aussie Push-ups, crawl bear to jump lunges

Jog the lake trail to the base of the hill where YHC reminds the PAX that we’re not sad clowns, but rather the type of men that take the daily red pill and embrace the suck…manifested in this case by superman’s and flutter kicks in a nice, soft, wet spot of grass.  If you weren’t wet before, you were now.

80% up the hill to the playground for some partner work.  3 rounds of partner 1 burpee-ups (hang for five on the up) while partner 2 is on star jumps, squat jumps, then lunges, 5 each.  That left us just enough time to jog out to the entrance-proximal parking lot for a merkin pyramid (up to 5 and down).  That did it for time.

Count-o-rama: 14 (plus CD who Irish Ghosted at some point)

Name-o-rama: still 14

Announcements: Crotch Rocket at the Pharmacy Tuesday at 1830 to discuss LEAP.

Prayers: Burt’s brother-in-law John undergoing radiation.  Praise that Smokey’s daughter has passed all her professional licensing exams, but now awaiting license (from the state - ask Hot Spot about that) before she can be gainfully employed.

Thanks for letting me lead, men.  Until next time.

See also