Keep Calm and Carry On

YHC checked the Q sheet Thursday and no Q had signed up. I was supposed to be out of state this weekend, but those plans got canceled, of course. So, I picked up the Q.

Warm-up: We started with the pledge, then 8 boot campers separated off from 4 bruisers / ruckers. We ran from the flag to the kiosk in Bond Park for a little warm-up, basically just stretching with some good mornings, calf-stretch, and arm circles. Then, we ran to the top of the dam to gaze upon New Hampshire, in what was a glorious sunrise (at least it was in our minds). At the dam, we did a Jack Webb of 1 squat to 4 SSH, up to 10 squats to 40 SSH. Then, we ran around the greenway trail over to the lower level parking lot of pain.

At the parking lot of pain, we each selected a non-traveling rock and gathered in a large circle. The Thang: OYO 5 exercises, 10 reps each, 5 sets, with a run around the 1/2 or full pickle in-between each set. The exercises were merkins, curls, overhead press, tricep extensions, rock rows. We re-grouped. Then, another OYO 5 exercises, 10 reps each, 5 sets, with a run around the 1/2 or full pickle in-between each set. The exercises were merkins, squats, WWII’s, American Hammers, dying cockroaches.

That took most of our time, so next we put the rocks back and did a mosey back up to the flag, with a detour along the way for Earhart to check out the new Compost Education Center at Bond park. Back at the flag, we finished with 20 burpees OYO.

COT: Announcements - Mental Health day coming up; TCP Sawgrass needs volunteers, see The Joker for more info. Prayers - COVID-19 situation, PAX on IR, everyone to stay safe and well. YHC’s final encouragement: “Keep Calm and Carry On” and took us out in prayer. Thank you, fine fellas, for the opportunity to lead.

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