Katowice meets Bialystok

Pierogi Q tour continues with a return visit to the West Side.

Pulled in around 5:20, shoes still on the passenger seat, with Sky Blue sliding into his regular spot just in front of me. As I leisurely put one shoe on and then the other, I notice the Flying Circus founder is getting agitated. He’s bouncing around like I’m holding him back from something. And as I tighten my laces and put the keys in the regular hiding spot, the man is literally running away from me down the parking lot.

“Hey! I wasn’t planning on running with you anyway,” I yell. Then I take off in a dead sprint to try to catch the guy holding the most (to my knowledge) Hill Climb Mafia KOM’s in CARPEx. Stupid move.

13 minutes, and what felt like 18 laps around the track later, I pretend to see 5:40 on the watch and tell Sky Blue that we should head back to the flag. Turns out the watch was showing our pace (actually 6:40 but the lack of oxygen to my brain got me all kinds of confused) but I wasn’t going to complain as I was able to finally catch my breath.

A bunch of PAX were already congregating, clearly giddy with excitement about the Q. I informed them that Clementine signed up for NEXT week. Thankfully no one left.

Aside: Franklin is very particular about which side of the parking lot the fine folks at Flying Circus congregate. Which I find ironic, considering the AO is named for one of the most subversive comedy troupes ever. But I suppose if you want someone who is a rule follower and stickler for generally accepted AO practices (GAAPs), it should be a finance guy.

After what felt like the 37th car pulled in, disclaimers were said (no Geek Squad, a cup is not necessary today… see why this came up here), introductions were made (actually starting to learn names…. amazing what seeing Clementine twice in a week does for your memory!), the Pledge was said, and it was time to get going.

Full disclosure: Clementine was the last name I remembered when tagging this morning’s participants. I’m sure once he decides to come out to CARPEx’s premiere AO, Danger Zone, I’ll be all set.


Found a bigger parking lot. GM x8, runner stretches, Merkins x20, SSH x20.


Find an accountability partner. Someone of similar speed. When taking off for your lap, each partner goes a different direction and meets back at (hopefully) the same starting point.

The Laredo. https://f3greenwood.com/2019/08/25/2019-iron-pax-challenge-week-0/

Completed between 5 and 10 rounds.


  • 10x IC calf raises each leg on the stairs
  • Leg stretches
  • 100s
  • 25x IC FM and 10x IC supermen
  • Have a nice day!


Countarama: 19. Two-ish RESPECTS, Two Hates, One 2.0.

Announcements: Coffeteria at Sweetwaters expected next week. Coffeteria at Dunkin today. While Foods expected next week. Today at [check slack cause I can’t remember]. Swag’s church is having a series of conversations tonight. Starting ~7 going through 9. Half hour segments. Check Slack for details.

Prayers/Praises: Prayers for Franklin’s wife, my FIL. Praises for Elham. Prayers for continuing conversation, understanding & unity regarding impact of race, economic disparity and police interactions across the U.S.

Post-COT announcements:

Coffeteria at Dunkin today.


  • Finally got to catch up with Five Hole a bit. The last several times I’ve posted at FC, he’s been here with a loud Polska t-shirt on. Turns out Five Hole was born in Bialystok out on the eastern edges of Poland. Never been to Bialystok. But fun fact… it takes just as long to drive to Bialystok from Katowice (where I am from) as it takes to train there. That is the magic not of Polish train engineering… but rather of Poland’s pre-Eisenhower highway system. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • No spider sightings today. Sky Blue was pleased. Now we know why FC is where it is.
  • Franklin & Ezekiel miles > rest of the PAX miles. Strong work. #RespectBros
  • Don’t tell Franklin but if you are interested in the intricacies of global currency exchanges, ask Badlands. Dude was straight up dropping knowledge. Maybe he knows the London Whale?
  • Taz was tearing up the track today. The kid is fast!
  • Logged 1 Geocache on my way home from coffeeteria today.
  • Thanks for the coffee Entitlement!
  • Strava tells me I hit a 1 mile PR today. Glad I let Sky Blue borrow my watch.
  • First Kermit sighting west of Bond Park

See also