Just Warming Up!

26 HIMs posted the fine morning of Saturday, May 25th first the first of my Birthday week Q’s. Technically, my birthday falls next week but with Memorial Day and Century Day, my Q possibilities were limited. It was warm, humid, some might even say a bit moist outside for this workout. I had to make it warmer!


  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Imp Walkers
  • 10 Good Mornings
  • Runner Stretch

Partner up for Catch Me If You Can through the woods to the rock pile doing 5 Merkins each time your partner catches you. At the Rock Pile, every swinging-Labrum picks a BIG rock.

Thang 1:

  • 11’s on the hill starting with One 8-count Rock Your Body at the bottom and 10 WME’s at the top, then run over to the steps and return to your rock.
    • It still blows my mind why Bluewater picks such tiny pebbles……

Turns out, this may have been a tad bit aggressive since I do have a Thang 2 we need to get to, and time’s running out. Audible to call it after about 8 trips on the hill. More CMIYC with 5 Merkins over to the playground via the most direct route.

Thang 2:

  • With your partner:
    • 100 Pullups
    • 200 WWII’s

Time to head back to the flag….CMIYC with 5 Merkins all the way back.

I think we did a little Mary, I can’t remember now since it was four days and a few thousand brain cells ago.

This is one of my favorite workouts and is similar to the first Ollie Q I ever experienced. With a brief warmup, it’s very possible to do 11’s here and then get back to the flag right on time during a single Thang 45 minutes workout. No merlot yet, I’ll keep trying……


One FNG, he lives locally and is originally from China. The name Tariff was tossed out and quickly shut down by the pax, though I kinda liked it. We landed on “Fists of Fury” or maybe even “Fists-o-Fury.” I’ll let Comz decide.

I know I don’t have all the Pax tagged. Sorry about that. Ping me and I’ll add you if necessary

See also