Just Think About Baseball

AO: Claymore Date: Nov 13th, 2018 QIC: Frisco PAX: Ezekiel, Disco Duck, WWW, Two Factor, Pickles, Hotty Toddy

YHC has been know to have a slight issue with his cadence counting while Q-ing. So knowing this I spent the week practicing every time I could. For example, Saturday after the 2.0 went to bed the M and I…um…never mind on that. Either way, today’s Q was definitely proof that even 25 seconds practice here and there helps.

The Q’s wrist watch alarm went off promptly at 5:45 am and the (soon-to-be) Soggy Bottom boys went into action.

Pledge of Allegiance…and look there is Two Factor coming in hot.

Warm Up

10 Penalty Burpees stretch

Light-mosey-across-the-parking-lot stretch

Plank hold stretch (while we wait for the 6)

The Thangs:

Thang 1: Having extensively warmed up it was time to start the beatdown. YHC didn’t make the exclusive Slack list/poll of “serious” Qs for Tuesday so I knew I had to bring it lest the honor of Claymore be tarnished. (Unfortunately, I couldn’t fit in enough exercises to make the phrase “S.C.R.E.W.Y.O.U.H.I.L.I.T.E.R” and so jettisoned the idea.)

  1. Partner Double Dora with a Frisco twist 100 Merkins 200 LBCs 300 Squats Partner Bear Crawls Up and Lunge Walks back but…before flapjacking the partners had to do 25 WWII SitUps facing each other with one leg linked together.

The PAX loved the Frisco twist and were very vocal about it. And since we had odd numbers for the group of three had one guy had to linking legs with two partners at the flapjack. Thus the unfortunate phrase heard at Claymore “Spread your legs, Hotty, and let WWW get in there”.

After we finished it was time to fulfill a promise I had made to Zeke last week.

Thang 2:

Mosey up to the top of the parking lot. Zeke does his bear crawls as an amalgamation of bear crawls with chill cut arms.

50 feet of Zeke-style bear crawls (modify as necessary) royally sucked and YHC was glad he had not gone with that as the version of the bear crawl for Thang 1, 2 and 3 like he planned.

Thang 3:

10 count to recover from that nasty Zeke crawl

Mosey to the right side of the parking lot (about 4 steps, I love Claymore!)

11s on the extremely slippery hill

- Bear crawl down - LBCs at the bottom - Lunge walk up - Squats

One trip down convinced YHC that gravity, slick streets and bear crawls do not mix so we modified to lunge walks up and down.

PAX and YHC got about halfway through before I called an audible due to time. I could tell the PAX were disappointed to stop by the way they ran back to the flag pretty much on their own (wait, was the audible before or after they started running off? And did I call that?)


  1. 10 world’s worst merkins 2) Good Mornings (hey, I got them in!) 3) Calf Stretches PAX round:

  2. 10 Burpees OYO (TYFYL, Duck) 5) American Hammers perfectly called by Two-Factor with no mistakes (no one likes a VQ prodigy, pal!)

Some Broga that I learned from Flacco recently 6) Calf Stretches 7) Downward Dog 8) Snake thingee 9) Have a nice day


- Count-a-rama

1 Hate, 5 meh, 1 respect

- Name-o-rama


But look here comes Hello Kitty rolling in during Announcements. YHC was momentarily taken aback. How many penalty burpees was 45 minutes late? But no our Catman was here to take photos. I knew being a Claymore site-Q came with certain perks (like being able to wake up Repeato since he lives next door to the site) but Pickles forgot to mention dealing with the paparazzi.

Since we were all soaked through and Kitty looked so dry YHC called a group hug to share some of Claymore’s street water.

  1. A Frisco/Disco clown car and Co-Q on Dec 1st at F3 JoCo on Dec 1st. Clown car leaves the parking lot at 5:45 am from the Food Lion parking near Claymore–address for FF is in the COT Announcements thread message.

  2. Quadruple down on Nov 17th (Ruck, F3 beatdown, FIA beatdown and Carpex Dads)

  3. F3 CARPEX in the Cary Christmas parade on Dec 8th (YHC recommended we push a truck with TV screens in it playing Kitty’s videos with cool music from the Odyssey and other events)

  4. Get your wreaths from Ma Bell! Payment due on Nov 17th. It is a good cause and you can get points with the M for shopping for Christmas decorations on your own.

  5. Thanksgiving Day event

Prayers and Praises

  1. Crimson had surgery yesterday. Very painful recovery period apparently (I think the phrase was “peeing razor blades”). Prayers for a speedy recovery with no razor blades. Crim is a good man and I hate not having him out in the Gloom with us.

  2. Forgot to mention during COT but prayers for strength, healing and fortitude for Navin. Our bro is pushing hard at his military training camp right now. He has an address on one of the threads if you want to send him a letter. Remember to color the edges of the envelope yellow since I think that helps with sorting. The address is on Slack.

NMS It was a privilege to lead these HIMs this morning.

And thanks to Disco Duck for the pro-tip that it’s easier to count in cadence if you think about baseball.