Just in Time Training

I still don’t wear a watch during these workouts. While it’s always good to see Biner, unless he’s Qing of course (then you just have to channel your inner Spartan warrior), he provided the necessary time checks along the way during this particularly time sensitive workout. It was only time sensitive in that we were traveling a long way from the flag and everyone likes arrive home on time. 17 showed, 2 kept Sooey company as he continues his recovery walks, so 14 of launch for a trip around the Apex Lake. A short mosey finds us at the top of a hill overlooking the lake (except it’s dark so there’s really no overlooking anything) with a great spot to warm-up.

Warm-up - Steve Earle, Standard Merkin, Mountain Climbers, Cotton Pickers, Dive Bombers, Good Mornings.

Thang 1 - Basically a Pearls on a String as we made our way around the 2 mile loop of the Apex Lake. Along the way we did various exercises to include J-Lo, Side-plank Star Crunch, Homer to Marge, Lunges, Bear Crawls, Dirkins, Monkey Humpers. We concluded the two miles right at the base of a long hill back to where we warmed up (maybe 150 yards) and a great spot for our next thang. Various time checks from Biner along the way had given me confidence no one was going to be late to work on my account.

Thang 2 - Wheelbarrow. Partnering up we ascended the hill swapping with our partner as often as necessary to make it to the top of the hill. From there we mosey to our Mary site.

Mary - 100s, Crunchy Frog, Fluttering Superman, LBC and finally high plank Shakerias. With one final time check from Biner to see if we can squeeze in one more Mary he references the second hand on his watch and say “Two, one… time.” Perfect. Have a nice day.

COT - Wednesday all across F3 Nation AOs will take about 5 minutes off the workout and allot that time to COT for a short discussion on depression among men. There will be opportunities after the formal end of the workout to continue the conversations in a public or private forum.

Bartman reminds you to log your miles within the Slack channel #csaup-fugm.

Prayer - We continue to remember our brothers in F3 who are on the mend specifically Sooey, Ausfarht, McCants and Crimson.

See also