Just Breathe

So what did Faith Hill have to do with the workout? Nothing. But she sure is easy on the eyes. Oh and she put out an album exactly 20 years ago titled Breathe which was a reoccuring theme in the workout. 10 pax were at the flag ready to roll at 0530 so we got after it. A quick disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance and off we went.

Warm-up: Mosey out to Town Side then head toward Apex BBQ Rd, left on that road until at the back entrance of St. Mary Magdalene Church then to the covered awning. Exercises: Side Straddle Hop, Steve Earle, J-Lo, Daisy Pickers, Dive Bombers, Superman, Mt. Climbers, Good Mornings.

Thang 1: Just Breathe - While the name doesn’t explain the exercise it was a crucial element to mentally being able to push through. Beginning at one side of the parking lot Bear Crawl the width of 1 parking space, 1 Merkin, Crawl Bear back to the starting point. Commence a 14 rung ladder in that fashion increasing the merkins by 1 at every rung. YHC could have done a better job explaining the stopping point for when some pax believed they had completed such a feat I explained there was one last space to go. This earned me scowls and the one-finger salute from the highly esteemed Red Ryder. Having completed that and with not much oxygen in the immediate vicinity we mosied back around to the front of the building for Thang 2.

Thang 2: Pax Choice at the wall. Lining up on the wall it was the pax choice to be in Balls the Wall or Wall Sit for the duration of the following. Each pax was sprint, one at a time, around the pickle then return to the wall in which the next pax departed. Another gasser but nothing controlled breathing couldn’t get us through.

Mary: With the clock about to strike 12 we circled up and breathed our way through a Bring Sally Up plank challenge.


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