Just an Average Day

11 pax, including YHC, arrived on time for the Bounty Hunters beatdown.  Some may have peaked out the window prior to finalize their decision, but alas, they took that DRP and showed.  

It was just your normal average beatdown.  We got in about 2.5 miles, we did some basic exercises including lots of merkins. 

We were safe, we stayed together, we mumbled when QIC said things like, “ready, go” instead of “Exercise!”.

No one got hurt.  We got back on time.  We counted and did names.

And you know what? 

In COT I shared how at the end of the work day yesterday I felt depressed.  Work had some bad spots, M and I weren’t really talking, the weather was bad, stress was high. 

I was supposed to then somehow flip a switch and spend the rest of my evening with my 2 boys at dinner and basketball game.  I had no energy or desire at that moment.    

But I needed to turn it on and put on a smile so I decided I would pray and get a reset/clear my mind.  I was preparing to pray for myself, for my work, my attitude etc.  You know, because I had a bad day.

Right then my Spirit opened my eyes like a shot in the arm!  I then started thinking about who else needs prayers.  Very quickly I had other Carpex guys come to mind who are facing bigger storms.  Some facing the biggest storms of their lives.  Family in the hospital, loved ones lost, physical ailments, Coworkers with depleting health, anniversaries of loved ones lost.  The list is long, unfortunately.  (My prayers are with you fellas <3 )

But very quickly my prayers for myself turned to praise.  High praises!  I was healthy, I have a job, I am going to spend the evening with my boys, We’re going to eat and watch the State game, my wife and I have an amazing relationship, etc etc etc.  So many praises.

So that 2 min ah-ha moment motivated me to pass that on and encourage you to praise the average days as well. 
Don’t overlook them.  They are great gifts!

This quote from a Matt Chandler sermon always sticks with me:

We should never despise the ordinary. You and I live in a day and age where if it’s not extraordinary and big and loud and fast and famous it’s discarded, but so much of what God is going to accomplish in your life is going to take place quietly over a long period of time with you just being faithful where you are. We should never despise that. You should just never despise normalcy. God is at work in normalcy.

Yes we worked out. If you want to hear about that here’s my summary:

Warm up: GM, Hilly Billy, Seal Claps, Mountain Climbers

Thang 1: While traveling to our destination stop along the way for Jack Webbs, Captain Thors, and Lt. Dans. Each stop we did 3 sets of each at 1:4 ratio until we arrived at Apex Baptist.

Thang 2: Bottom of the back lot. Ascending ladder with two hills (picture a V). Start with 1 standard merkin at the base, run up one hill do 2 diamond merkins, run down do 3 standards, run up do 4 wide grip merkins, rinse and repeat until you get to the 14th rung of the ladder.

Then we finished our 10th set of JW, CT, and LDs and did a plankorama and half an aborama.

NMS: As I left for my car Denali stopped me and wished me ‘another average day’. AYE!

Have an average day, fellas! And celebrate it!

See also