Just a little stroll between light poles

Date: 3/4/19

AO: Wolverine


Mosey 2X around the pickle to get the blood flowing. Circle up for warm-up.

GM, hamstring stretches, calf stretches with merkins in between, Sir Fazio.

Mosey to the stop light on Davis Drive to being our thang.

Thang 1:

At every light pole for 10 light poles, 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats. Hi-Liter asked me after light pole #4 if I thought about the workout. My answer was “I did.” What was tough was that the light poles were close enough that the mosey in between was quick. It became a HIIT routine.

On the way back we worked on thang 2, 15 LBCs at each light pole.

After the 6 was collected (me being in the 6), we moseyed back to the flag to the lower parking lot for Mary.

Star Jumps, 10 burpees, squats, boxcutters, Homer to Marge, then PAX favorites for 10 reps.

Last exercise was 150. I remembered on one of my Q’s when Hi-Liter asked to do 150 as we approached 100. I did not do it then because my mind was set on 100. I thought it appropriate to do it this morning. Always need to challenge yourself.

Closed the workout with Have-a-nice-day.

Count-o-Rama: 14

Name-o-Rama: Biner, Bogo, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Hi-Liter, Liverpool, Nature Boy, Ollie, PBX, Pivot, Prodigal, Slappy, The Commish, WWW

Announcements: The Mule, Breaking Bread next week Wednesday at SnS (keep your pulse on Slack for details).

Prayers//Praises: Crimson FIL, Crimson and family, Sooey’s recovery is going great, Swag’s M.

BOM: Hi-Liter took us out.


So far so good, my quest to Q every week is still intact.

Blessed to be out with you all in the gloom.

Sooey is actually hitting AOs. If you see him, make sure you have some fellowship with him during his walk.

See also