Just a Little Sky-Writin

9 gathered in the 37 degree gloom at Koka Booth. I took the under when the line was set at 10, so big time winning already. Hermes had a SC from a FNG…..but alas it was not meant to be. This particular FNG is looking for a workout program that progressively gets harder. Thankfully he was a no show, because I was hoping to set the bar high.

Warm-up. Run to the XL sized parking lot for what seemed like a very random set of jogging, warm up exercises, backwards running, side shuffling, and other stuff. Seemed very random…….or was it. The PAX suspected a form of sky writing but who knows. Guess we will have to check the Strava.

Thang - Pearls on a string down Regecy Parkway. Stopping for merkins, diamond merkins and wide grip merkins.

When we get to Glade Park, ladder up the hill (which is actually more of a bowl) for 2 burpees, back to bottom for 2 squat jumps. Repeato adding 2 each time up to 10. LBC while waiting for the 6.

Back to the PoaS. Stopping for star jumps, plank Jack’s, mountain climbers, irkins, and dips.

Arrive back at the flag and get a partner. Running in opposite directions around the parking lot, one PAX runs 50% and the other runs 100% when you meet, slap hands and change to the other speed. Continue until time is called.

Circle at flag for LBCs. And that’s it.

Prayers for Denali’s MIL. Life changes and aging with possible depression.

YHC took us out.

Always an honor to lead.


- Really disappointed that the FNG was a no show. Sounds like he was sure how challenging F3 would be and I would have loved to get him off on the right foot.

- Sky writing went better than I thought. Not perfect but thankfully leaves room for improvement.

- Denali was really hoping we would spell Kryptonite. Maybe next time I will step my game up.

- I really enjoy getting Grease and Chanticleer to get after each other. All in good fun but those 2 can be easily provoked.

See also