Jump Set Spike Rock

As Friday morning rolled around and my soreness from the SNS Q still sang its sweet chords up and down my quads, glutes and hamstrings, I realized that today may not be a good day for excessive leg work. A few of my fellow SNS PAX quickly agreed - thanks for the nudge Liverpool and Chanticleer.

Luckily I was not without any ideas having pre-blasted some volleyball action at the DZ sand court. With at least that to wrap a Q around, I felt what I imagine Riptide experiences most of the time: an awareness that somehow someway things would come together. Plus, with two OTW HIMs who preffered to post in the gloom over Umstead in-room massages and room service, something servicable had to be offered up.


mosey around the pickle and circle up for: GM, SSH, IW, Fazio and claps.


Avoid the sprinklers in route for some travel rocks. Despite several warnings, a few PAX seemed to overdo it. Hope they switched out at the brodge.

Bring you rock with you for a tour of CARPEx’s premier AO stopping for 20x curls, presses, triceps, rock burpees, rock rows, bear rock crawls over bridge, more curls, rock hammers, and rock merkins (L/R hand each) as we went. I’m sure some digitally enable PAX recorded the route in Strava…. need to check later.

We eventually made our way to the sand court for a brief game. PAX spread out at one end of the court so as not to endanger anyone. Serve your rock as far as you can and broad jump to it. Repeato. Sucks worse than it sounds. On the other side of the court we filled in with a quick rock-your-body and head to the shelter for 20x bench dips (rock in lap) before returning our granite friends to the pile. Muddy indian run around the field to the basketball court resulted in lots of complaining… sheesh.


20x IC each of: - LBC - L/R heel touch - Leg lifts - American hammers And finish up with some boat/canoe to exhaustion.


- 14 men still here with Respects (and an Honor) out numbering everyone else. Well done!

- Praises for Kervorkians grandson, born earlier that morning

- Prayers for Whalen’s family

See also