
YHC had been traveling all week, obliquely aware of the goings-on in CARPEX. Something about boats and canoes. Multi-packs in progress. Whatever. After a reverse taper week with one measly run, plus missing EC due to alarm difficulties, I was ready to get after it.


Run to the ball park lot and circle up for SSH, MC, GM, windmills. Sir Fazio x10 - hold - overhead clap x20ish - hold - moroccan nightclub - hold - hold - pause - hold - Sir Fazio reverse. Recover.

Run past ball fields and to the base of the spillway steps for the commencement of

The Thang

Set of 7’s, 1x burpee at top of steps, 6x dying cockroach at bottom. Someone told me last weekend that DC was *the worst* ab exercise to do in volume. Not sure I agree, but to each his own. 4-count on the DC because it just sounds better that way.

Attempt at double applesauce IR over to the boat house lot. That went.. okay.. with Spring Daze pedestrian traffic starting to build. On the greenway path near the Buehler shelter, Set of 7’s. 1x Jump Lunge(s) - L/R=1, 6x merekins at other end. Plank-o-rama when done.

Mosey to kiosk for 7’s the third. Run to the top, one sumo jump squat. Back to benches at the bottom for dips 4ct. Plank at top when done.

Mosey back to start point for one last encounter with the 7, in the form of 8-point manmakers.

Mary: Guest leads by Beaner (crunchy frog); Mississippi (flutter kick, called like a pro); Kermit (Dying cockroach); American Hammer by YHC to finish out.


Announcements - convergence and picnic next weekend.

Prayers for highlighter’s father-in-law undergoing treatment. Young F3 regsions/AOs and their mission. I’m thinking there was at least one other…

Mississippi took us out in fine fashion. Thanks for wrapping up my week on a high note, fellas.

See also