Jack, Jill, and that Dang Hill

When I heard Triple Lindy would not be at HB on Monday I was elated. That left only his weak-willed co-site Q, Wahoo, to monitor me.

Below is what we did(ish) today at HB. The theme was leaning on your brothers when you are struggling to get it together. We had a weight vest we passed around between sets. I pushed everyone as hard as I could without being stupid. I modified my plans when I felt we were taking it easy or switched it up when we were courting injury.

Warm up: (outsourced to the PAX)

Short mosey around the parking lot

Good mornings

Sir Fazio arm circles



Some other stuff

(Strong work by Sega on leading his set. 17 guys mumble chattering at you can be daunting but he didn’t flinch.)

The Thang:

Bottom of the Hill-

(Kettle Jacks) 10 second hold KB in front of you / goblet squats with KB

Top of the Hill-

(Kettle Jills) overhead press with KB / curls for girls

In between each set travel uphill with lungs walks, downhill with crawl bear, place (not drag) the KB.

Kettle bell merkins as we wait for the 6. Increase the count every time we started a new set.

Mary: PAX choice

Count a-rama: 18 PAX

Respects: 3

Mehs: 13

Hates: 2



South Wake CSAUP: the Frosty this weekend. Check Slack for details.

Christmas party coming up. Check Slack for details.


Yahoo’s family is still working through their adoption. Some roadblocks popping up some prayers for patience and support.

Red Ryder’s friend (co-worker I think)

Pet Sounds’ daughter


I’d wish I could say “thanks for letting me lead this morning”, but the truth is you all led me by giving me a reason to come out. These last few weeks I hit a really bad patch. I had one of those horrible realizations about life and just stopped, frozen, not sure what to do.

So I’ve been leaning heavily on my shield lock. They stuck with me even as I cancelled lunches at the last minute or fartsacked workouts.

Red Ryder’s statement to me after COT was spot on: Not doing anything is still making a decision. I was setting an example for my 2.0 but not the one I want to. Crimson texted me last night to tell me to get my head out of my backside and show some leadership this morning and with my family going forward. I took up the challenge—both of them.

Thanks all for the helping hands and words of support to get back on my feet.

See also