I've Never Seen Vertical 4 Corners

In keeping with the spirit, I’ll be brief. 11 PAX (including Great Britain’s ambassador to Carpex; great to have Arsenal out) showed up in downtown Carpex for some parking deck fun.

Jogged to the little used Town Hall parking lot for warmups (The usual)

Mosey over to the top of the parking deck for some vertical 4 corner 7’s (or, as some people call them “Sabans”). Starting at the top with 6 Burpees. Run to the other end of the deck for 1 WWII Situp, Down to the bottom of the stairs and out for 6 Merkins, run to the other end of the deck for 1 squat, up the stairs to the top and repeato descending/ascending so all sides of the vertical rectangle = 7.

Finished a little early, so partner up and light pole suicides with balls to the wall while you wait (with much grumbling).

Mosey back to the church for some Mary and COT.

See also