It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

And it was ushered in by perfect gloom temps of approximately 68 degrees.

For the PAX who decided to wake up this morning and head to the most galactic of AOs in all of Carpex this side of Tatooine, not only were they greeted with amazing weather, they got to start their day with a beatdown of collegiate football caliber (kind of).

After all, with college football kicking off today, it was only fitting (and YHC always leads at least 2 football-themed beatdowns per season to commemorate summer camp season and kickoff).

This workout was accompanied by 45 minutes of perfectly curated University fight songs and marching band performances. If you’re interested, you can find said playlist here for your hype up pleasure -

Here’s how it went down:

The Usual Routine

  • Welcome, check for FNGs, make sure to tell PAX if they get hurt, yada yada yada.
  • Pledge of Allegiance

Warm-Up #1 (Of Football Proportion)

  • High Knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Rinse & Repeat
  • Take a lap around the field

Warm-Up #2

  • Windmill
  • Something else here
  • Good Morning
  • Mosey on over to the start for kickoff


  • Every good football player needs to have a little strength (even the kickers - there are some jacked kickers out there). To build strength, YHC instructed the pax to do a little Bear Crawl Hell. Cones were placed across the field at approximately 10 yds (YHC stepped it off under the glare of a headlamp) spanning 100 yds. Side Note: There was some mumblechatter from some PAX that midfield on a soccer field should be the same as a football field. Common misunderstanidng - but if it’s an actual soccer field, than midfield is not 50 yds like our American football fields.

Anyways, here’s how this Thang went:

  • Bear Crawl 10 yds - Do 20 Squats - Backpedal back to the start
  • Bear Crawl 20 yds - Do 20 lunges (10 each leg) - Backpedal back to the start
  • Bear Crawl 30 yds - Do 20 Squats - Backpedal back to the start
  • Repeato to the 60 yard line… We were supposed to do all 100 yds, but YHC was tired of Bear Crawling and didn’t want to waste any time.


  • Every good football player also needs Speed. Agility. Quickness. Even your friendly neighborhood linemen. Side Note: Linement have some of the quickest feet on the field. Maybe I’m biased, but I pride myself on quick feet. To do so, we embarked on a bit of friendly competition.

Here’s how this Thang went:

  • Cones were spaced out 10 yards apart and PAX did some nice S.A.Q work.
  1. Sprint from the first cone (A) to the second cone (B)
  2. Backpedal from cone B to cone A
  3. Side Shuffle from cone A to cone B
  4. Side Shuffle from cone B to cone A
  5. Carioca from cone A to cone B
  6. Carioca from cone B to cone A
  7. Sprint to the other side of the field and come back to cheer on your team


  • Every good football player also needs to remember that a game isn’t one in 3 quarters. You gotta play to the final whistle no matter what. Every 1st & 10 matters.

Here’s how this Thang went:

  • Go back to the cones set up for 100 yards. Embark on a bit of a 11s twist.
  • Sprint to the 10 yard line - 10 Merkins + 1 Burpee + recover jog back to start
  • Sprint to the 20 yard line - 9 Merkins + 2 Burpees + recover job back to start
  • Repeato all the way to the 100 yard + 1 Merkin + 10 Burpees + recover job back to start

Hail Mary

  • Every good football player also needs to know that sometimes things don’t always work out the way you planned it. Sometimes hardwork puts you in a place where you have to just have to give it all you have for one more effort, taking the deep shot down field.

Here’s how this last Thang went:

  • YHC counted off 10 PAX. Instructed said PAX to have a Mary exercise in mind.
  • YHC then told all PAX that we’d be taking one last shot down field.
  • Sprint to 10 yard line - 1st Mary exercise
  • Sprint 10 more yards to the 20 yard line - 2nd Mary
  • Sprint 10 more to the 30 yard line - 3rd Mary
  • Repeato to the 100 yard line and wrap up with the final song of the beatdown.

And that’s it! It’s always a pleasure getting to be in the gloom with you dudes. Grateful to be here and grateful to be a part of something bigger than myself.

Peaches Out.

See also