It's raining, let's go play

It’s raining, mid 50s, let’s go.

Mosey to St Michael’s with stop at main Bond Park entrance for warm-up, including Hillbilly’s sister. We thought about doing the Hillbilly’s sisters, the other one goes down, we’ll do that next time. 

🌧️ Mosey to the St Michael’s soccer field stairs. Down the stairs, back up, around the parking lot right, then left, back to stairs.R1: 10 merkins at bottom, hit every step up, 10 merkins at top, 20 right then left lunges at the right end of parking lot. 20 IC dying cockroaches left end.R2: hit every other step, diamond merkins, squat jump, Freddy mercs.R3: hit every third step, prom night merkins, forward lunge, mtn climbers.R4: backwards every third step, five bomber merkins, backwards lunge, plank.

 🌧️ Take the trail to Castalia, 20 IC modified Homer to Marge at Weatherstone pool, stepping your feet out at each count, stepping out to a complete reverse plank, and back.

🌧️ Mosey down Highhouse to St Michaels entrance #1, squat jumps waiting for a car to splash us at road puddle, to entrance # 2 side lunges waiting for car to splash us.

 🌧️ Back through main park entrance, quad stretch as we discuss the Podcast MINIVAN CENTURIAN.

🌧️ Mosey back to flag for round robin seated Mary, Cosmic called superman’s. Finish with the SHAWSHANK.

Man, I felt like a kid today. 100% of the workout in the rain.

See also