It's Quarantine Day... Again

Getting back is hard, but making it out is rewarding! Today marks the 1-Year Anniversary to my affiliation with F3. For those who don’t know the story, Earhart had been working hard talking F3 up to me for years (he and I were part of the same Y-Guide Tribe.) I finally pulled the chord and decided to give it a try, after years of Treadmill running and T25 (I did a month of Camp Gladiator as it was free too.) But when I came out Earhart was nowhere to be seen, as he was legitimately sick. So there I was as a FNG with a Blue Mohawk (it wasn’t as blue as my boys but still… and Yes I do have the Mohawk now as well!) Well, that was the start to what would be a great thing for me, and when I hurt myself and the pandemic, I realized how truly grateful I was for what F3 has given me. So I started planning for a return date once I finished my time and could make it back out (I wanted to come out earlier, but wanted to take my time as well,) luckily I was able to make plans for my 1-Year! The workout will explain itself, but man I wasn’t expecting to have it be the middle of June and in the high 50’s and Rainy, but that didn’t stop 9 party goers from experiencing what I hope made the moniker of Tuesdays Finest High-Temp Workout proud. 

At 5:30 Sharp we started with the Pledge and then a group run around the Church (the EC Route) to the warmup spot.


  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Imperial Walkers
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Daisey Pickers

Afterwards, we then moseyed to the start of Thang 1 (Tracking it out!)  

Thang 1: When planning this out, I had 2 or 3 things (all having to do with the same premises, the workout would be split if we had more than 10 PAX each doing the same thing around the perimeter of the schools, and would either take the form of the Sheldon Cooper, or a Bill Murray. To tell you the truth, I had no idea that I was creating something that was named these, but I wanted something that was going to challenge the group and myself (I was told by people to bring it! And I hope I did.) Either way, when we go to the start I made the decision to try and break free from the routine I have been living on during IR and Pandemic Shut-down (the same day, in and out,) Bill Murray it was! To give you a glimpse, the group will run once around the track and then complete 10 of the following exercises (Burpees/Squats/Merkins/BBSU’s. We then repeat these 10 times, like Deja-vu it seems to not end. We all didn’t make it through the original 10 times, making it 9 times around (Hi-Liter beasted it out and made all 10!) Although we didn’t make the entire thing, the Rain stopped and a new morning was upon us!

Thang 2: With time running out and needing to make it back to the Flag, we had to work on the Fly and modify Thang 2… I won’t divulge the original plan (in case I want to do it later.) Anyway, we moseyed over to the Lights and did a Sprint/Mosey/Sprint/Mosey/Sprint to the flags by Light poles (Garfield led the way and took us all to school!)

Thang 3: We clocked back into the Flag just Intime for a Have a Nice Day

Numbers: 9 in total with 2 Respects!

Praises & Announcements: Hi-Liters 2.0 is 16! This Saturday is Parkers 3-Year Anniversary with F3, and the 1-Year of the Green Mile… Mark Your Calendars! We want to congratulate all of the 2.0’s on their graduations either entering Kindergarten, Moving on to another grade, or even school, and also to those graduating High-School & College! Please make sure if you haven’t you look at the F3 10 Year event site ( and use PICKLEJUMPER for a early bird special discount!)

Prayer request: was to listen to the F3 Podcast (from last week, the Roundtable with F3 Love.) Words of Wisdom: In a day where it seems like you would have reason to be hesitant, or fearful, just to speak truth, and to do it with courage, it’s all the more important to reserve your integrity and speak truth. Do it with love, and grace, but there will be a day when this moment in history doesn’t pass as if it as (man… I apologize to Hi-Liter as the recorder didn’t get the second half just the wind, but if he can get me the rest, I will make sure it gets up!) We then ended with a Socially Distanced Prayer let by Water Wings. Coffeteria to follow at Wake Zone.

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