It's not what you might think

21 PAX arrived at Phoenix expecting a Wrench Q, unaware of the backroom dealings that had transpired in which YHC took the Q. Exclamations of joy and thanksgiving erupted from the crowd upon hearing the news that for the next 60 minutes they’d be treated to a heaping dose of YHC’s shenanigans. One FNG, so in addition to a thorough briefing from Earhart, a quick disclaimer was offered and the 23 of us headed out.

Mosey to the Community Center parking lot for warm-up: SSH, MC, IW, standard merkin. Interspersed among the exercises, we did a brief recap of the five Core Principles and why they are what they are. The PAX passed the pop quiz handily. Finish up with arm-o-rama #signaturemove

Pair up in 3s for something called the 3-man grinder. It’s not exactly what you might think upon first hearing it - credit to F3 Atlanta for introducing me to the term:

  • PAX 1 stays at one side of a parking aisle and does merkins
  • PAX 2 stays at the opposite side, 15yds away or so, and does squats
  • PAX 3 bear crawls between. When he gets to the other side, tag out the PAX there and take over doing the exercise, while that PAX bear crawls and repeats

We did this for more iterations than the gathered PAX would’ve preferred, but not so many that we were totally smoked.

Recover on the mosey, head toward the big shelter with a stop or two along the way for some plank-o-rama and PAX gathering exercises.

At the big shelter, do a 5-10-15-15-10-5 pyramid of box jumps, dips, derkins. Mosey around the pickle in the middle just to shake things out.

Mosey down to the kiosk and plank-o-rama to gather, while I try to remember the name of what I’m going to call. The only name I remember for it is “nut sweats” but it’s been a minute. PAX 1 stands up, PAX 2 lays down, face up, holding PAX 1’s ankles. PAX 2 raises his feet up to PAX 1’s chest, and PAX 1 pushes them down. 20 reps per partner, flapjack. Repeato with 10 reps each.

Since we’re at the bottom of a nice hill and have a few minutes, let’s use ’em wisely. 50% up the hill, mosey back down. 75% up the hill, mosey back down. AYG up the hill and then mosey back to the flag.

Circle up for Mary: Freddie Mercury, American Hammer, Flutter kick, Have a Nice Day.

We welcomed #FNG Tool Time with great fanfare, only to be informed later that the name was recently used. YHC proposes Puller as a replacement, as Matt works in logistics for a tool company and is a USMC veteran.

NMM: Build-a-Bear joined after his 20-miler for a COT of 24. One Four was #14 in count-o-rama.

See also