It's not the size of the rock that matters

Weather forecast for this morning was not looking good. And Claymore is one of those AO where options for hiding from the elements are limited. Unless you want to hang out under a tree. There are lots of those. I guess the dugouts technically work but then you have to worry about social distancing and how to do you split the PAX up. And there’s a bathroom. But it’s locked. And speaking of splitting PAX up… just don’t want to go there.

So YHC was quite happy when, upon arrival at the AO (7 minutes early, naturally) the rain had let up and the forecast suggested minimal precipitation. The others must have read the same because soon enough car after car comes rolling in. Time to tie those laces up.

Prodigal had preblasted bringing an FNG and sure enough, there he was. 7'2" and nothing but muscle and tightly trimmed beard. Gyms must still be closed. But it was the three layers of shirts and rain jackets that really gave him away.

Pickles’ finger is poised over his watch so it must be time. Quick introduction to the FNG and a disclaimer and we’re off.


Mosey the greenway. 0.8 miles.

Apparently Bartman was having none of this. The description says limited run so by god limit his runs is exactly what he’s going to do. We got to the end of the greenway loop (very nicely maintained asphalt I might add) only to find he’s missing. And so is Pickles. WTF?? The fastest of us (me) is the Q so I delegate the next faster. But Blowout is still tying his shoes (he’s very particular about them of late for some reason) and Trident is avoiding my eye. So Prodigal (he of the planar fasciitis) loops back to find him. Leaving the FNG. Who is eyeing me with lots of suspicion.

“Told you I wasn’t a professional,” I say.

Get back to the starting area. Prodigal makes his … well… prodigal return. No Bartman. No Pickles. But Skipper says everythings OK so we take his word. Even though he came from a completely different direction. But he’s wearing a ruck so who are YOU going to believe??


Find a rock.

Side note: Claymore has the smoothest rocks of any AO in CARPEx. I challenge you to find smoother. It’s like they were tumbled in Crabtree Creek for millenia just waiting for us.

Cross the street and head to the volleyball court (apparently NOT a DZ monopoly) for some stuff. After each set, the PAX (carefully) toss their rocks as far as they can and broadjump to them. Three to five tosses gets you across the sand. FNG does it in two tosses and four jumps. Turns out he was an athlete.

The stuff: curls, squat thrusts, rock rows, overhead presses, rock twists, squats, rock swings, rock your body. 15-20 cadence on each.

Some lunge walks & merkins and it’s time to go.


Flutter kicks, LBC, Obliques, Heel Touches, Heels to Heaven.


  • 11. Welcome FNG Fosbury.
  • Announcements: nope
  • Prayers: none voiced.


  • Turns out Max (Fosbury) has quite the story. Name comes from the Fosbury Flop as our man was a star athlete, high jump specialist, born in the D.R., lived all over the place and now works for a company doing something with forests (either preserving them or cutting them down … not sure … more on that next post). Kidding aside, the guy seemed to be quite pleased that it didn’t rain. And any man Prodigal brings out is A-OK in our book. Hope to see him out again soon.
  • No spoken prayers but lots of stuff on everyone’s hearts and minds. Prayers for 2020.
  • Not to jinx things but I think this is YHC’s fifth Q with high probability but no follow-through on rain. Sweet!
  • Logged one Geocache on the way home.

See also