It's Not Raining on Monday

Finally, a Monday where it has not rained or is raining, and we can do a little bit of traveling with our bells this fine morning.  Sooey comes in hot, with Crimson in tow of course and Wilbur slides in on two wheels.  We mosey down the parking lot, cutting short our usual warm-up run to help Shut-In cover less distance and circle-up for:

Warm Up

Side-Straddle Hops

Good mornings

Overhead Claps

Cotton Pickers

Sir Fazio Arm Thingies


The Thang

Done with our warm-up, we each grab a bell of preferred size, 25 or 35lb, and line-up in the parking lot.  First round is figure-eights under the legs, an 8 count, with a bell-your -body in ever-increasing increments up to 8.  Next up is working back through the parking lot with goblet squat lunge walks with ever-increasing around the worlds (left right is one).  Third round is back to goblet squats with ever increasing halos (again, left right is one).  We drop the bells and mosey down to the end of the parking lot and back for a little respite.

Next round of working in the parking lot included more lunges and increasing number of nut-crackers.  The last round of called workout was 4 jump lunges with overhead presses.  Q then instructs PAX to mosey back to the flag using any bell workout they wanted.

Aghast, the flag had blown over so we did 5 penalty burbees.

One more mosey up to the basketball court and back and grab your bell, circle-up and on your six for:


WW2 sit-ups on the up

Freddie Mercuries in cadence

Flutter Kicks

Dying cockroach

American Hammers


Bell tolls 6:15 and time to finish.


Count-a-rama:  7 PAX


  • Habitat for Humanity April 12th and 13th

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also