It's Just a Little Rain

YHC is an admitted podcast addict. Sometimes the family gets a little tired of listening to ANOTHER podcast in the car.  So I ran across a series of four podcasts done last year, hosted by Hollywood and featuring OBT and Dredd.  They talked a lot about how F3 got it’s start and the 3 Fs.  In one of the conversations Hollywood mentioned doing the Cooper, and of course I looked it up on the Exicon.  So off we go…

Warm Up

SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Overhead claps, Hill Billies.  Then mosey to the track.

The Thang

The Cooper is pretty simple:

  • 10 burpees
  • 10 squats
  • 10 merkins
  • we modified and added 10 Peter Parkers, because core
  • run a lap
  • Repeat counting down each time (9,8,7…).  On the second round we decide to do partner-clap merkins, because it requires just that little bit of extra coordination

We got to about 3, and were running out of time.  Mosey back to the parking lot, stop by a playground on the way.  We’ve had no back/bicep work today, so each PAX does 3 sets of pullups AMRAP.  Continue mosey back.


PAX choice of mary including:

  • Hello Dolly, American Hammers x 2, Box Cutters, Dying Cock-a-roaches, forget what else


  • 1 Respect, 6 Mehs
  • Announcements: Crazy Train June 9, Convergence June 20
  • Prayers: Praises for the awesome Memorial Day convergence, prayers for a friend of Sooey and Crimson who is in critical condition.  YHC took us out.


  • It stopped raining right at 5:45
  • Old Maid likes to run through puddles
  • Frisco and Disco sound a lot alike
  • Crimson almost stayed in the car (Sooey was driving)
  • Good call Earhart to leave the flag put away.  It would have never dried out.
  • We never did hear any Gladiator music across the street

It was a pleasure to lead this fine group of HIMs.  Be a little better today than you were yesterday.

See also