It's Gotta be the Shoes


17 Pax gathered at Cary’s Koka Booth VIP lot ready for a high tempo beatdown led by YHC (or why else would I be writing the BB?) As the crowd gathered it appeared we’d also have a high tempo mumblechatter kinda morning. And boy did we.

1 FNG, formerly known as “Ken”, now referred to as Snapback was there. He has lived here about a year and was a referral from the Cape Fear boys, where SB used to live.

It was 0530, the EC runners were in new shirts, the disclaimer was claimed, and the pax were off. As we turned right out of the parking lot a familiar black truck was on its way to the parking lot. YHC thought aloud, “that looks like Khakis truck”.

We took a left on the crosswalk into the parking lot across the street for warmup. It wasn’t the normal warmup and it was then we knew the day wouldn’t be normal.

Denali…oh Denali. Denali realized he was still wearing his “good running shoes”. So instead of biting the bullet and going with it he left the warmup in hot pursuit back to his coffeemobile to grab his other kicks. That’s a first for me, my friends. In the same breath Khakis found us. After some exercises and barely a soul counting, we took off in hopes of Denali losing us. Fortunately for him, he has some PUT6 BRR Teammates that looked after him.

We found our way to the office complex and the grassy hill. (sidenote: it’s pretty rare we go offroad at Krypto so for Denali to just sense he was going to need his swap out his “good running shoes” was remarkable…)

Thang 1

  • 4 lake hill laps: 20 diamond merkins, run up the LAST parking spot, down the path back to the parking lot entrance, 20 wide grip merkins, back to the start. Next lap do 15, then 10, then 5.

Thang 2

  • 4 trail laps: 20 squats, run to the T in the trail, 20 monkey humpers, run to the parking lot, 20 burt seal jacks, run to sidewalk to other parking lot, 20 plank jacks, back to the start.

Thang 3

  • Plank o rama where the Q said call an exercise that is holding the plank position. 16 out of 17 followed directions. I won’t highlight what pax tried to disobey and got skipped haha!!
  • Indian Run back to the flag - leaving no man behind.


  • Count, Names (with signature moves), Announcements, Prayers


  • TCLAPS to the South Wake guys joining us, Emril and Lucky Charms.
  • I didn’t realize until COT that LC is a #respect…WOW! Strong work brother.
  • Thank you all for using the parking spot portal. #youreonlycheatingyourself
  • Welcome, Snapback! Glad you made it for a fun/hard workout. I think SB’s quote at coffee to Burt was, “Yeah. It was nice. I learned a lot about you.” HA! #mumblechatterlevel10
  • About zero other pax knew what a snapback was when YHC named him that. It was embarassing…for them.
  • Great seeing Khakis make the trek over. And still got your signature move of a 1 min late arrival, I love it!
  • We did ZERO Scuba Buddhas. #recover
  • If Denali didn’t go Carpex Weird on us enough with the shoe swap, you should have seen him at name-o-rama!!! I won’t spoil it but he better continue to do it! #downwarddog.
  • You too Squatter. Everyone needs to get their signature move for NOR.
  • Carpex weird was in full force. Good times as always.
  • Thank me for my leadership.

See also