It's Good to be Home!

Hello Wolverine! Though gloomy as ever, its good to back as I you were my first ever post and where I got the named in perhaps record time.  6 others followed me around this AM, with mumble chatter giving Build-A-Bear the chance to talk about Owls I think?  Anyhoo(!).. Loom arriving with the flag and 25 seconds to spare we started and did the following:

Pledge of allegiance

Mozy to church parking lot warmups

  • Good mornings
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles / reverse
  • Combo seal/overhead claps (earharts)
  • Imperial Walkers
  • SSH

Mozy to south parking lot

Thang 1: 7’s

  • The Wolverine (parking lot)
  • Star Jump (basketball court)

Mozy to stairs. 

Thang 2: Pickle Path & Stairs 

  • Partner up for 3 rounds
  • P1: LBCs / Squats / Carolina Dry Docks
  • P2: run pickle, path, up stairs

Mozy to shelter

Thang 3: Table Work

  • The Dip
  • The Dirken
  • -- we did two sets

Mozy to flag for Mary

  • American Hammers
  • Homer to Marge
  • Low Slow Flutter
  • Freddie Mercuries


Prayers for Loom’s daughter and his celebration of Ramadan. Will be out for a month. 

Welcome FNG Put-Put, EH’d by One-Four less then 24 hrs earlier.

See also