"It's Good To Be Alive Today"


Early this morning, before YHC laced up his brand-new sneakers, there was a post on GroupMe from the ‘Man’Tan himself, MaBell.  MaBell reminded me of my mom, who always would call/send me a message the morning of someone’s birthday/anniversary: “hey sweetie, call ___________, it’s their birthday today”.  Anyhoo, MaBell declared that today, August 30, was the official 4th anniversary of CarPex.  He went on to praise some of the OGs of CarPex, and remind us to swell their heads for setting a foundation for what is soon to be 14-15 AOs across Cary-Apex.  When YHC spoke to some of the OGs today, they said that even back in 2013 they had a vision of the fish known as a carp to be the mascot for the Cary-Apex region.  Man, those guys are clairvoyants.  Who knew?

At 5:44 we all circled up and praised the 4th Anniversary of CarPex.  And when I say we all circled up, jeez there were like 50 men there.  Wow!  I think there were a ~3 fools out running The Maynard too.  Couple men that were Insomnia only that weren’t there as well.  Then we split into the BootCamp group and the Vesper groups, and we were off.

Warm-Up:  Circle the wagons x 1 and jog to Community Center lot (with sprinkled butt kicks, side slides, and retro runs).  Circle up for these exercises performed in perfect cadence:  GM x 10, Fazios forward—>retro x 10, Slo-Mo Julios x 5, MC x 15, Chilcutt x 10 count—> Chilcutt right arm up—>Chilcutt Shakiras x 10—->Chilcutt—>left arm up—->Chilcutt Shakiras x 10.  Saturday Nite Stretch x 8.  ITY-bITYs x 5.  SSH x 20.

Thangs: 1.  Partner up and run down all the wary down the street to bottom of entrance hill—->along the way stopping at every lightpole to perform Two Amigos with your partner for a 20 count (I think there are 5-6 lightpoles).

2.  4 cones set up ~20 yd apart going up the hill.  Partner suicide series: a.  Partner 1 run to first cone for x 10 HRM, Partner 2 Freddie Mercs.  Flip flop. Continue this pattern until both partners suicide all cones. b.  Same as above, but PJ and fast feet series. c.  Partner 1 run retro run to first cone, partner 2 Sumo Squats (i think).

3.  Partner 1 with 6-inch leg hold, Partner 2 lateral hops over Partner 1 legs. Flip flop 2 sets.  Burpees x 10 OYO.

4.  Bataan Death March:  3 lines Indian Run Style. The last person drops and does 4 Anniversary Merkins, while the rest of the Pax mosey in a line. After completing the Merkins, the last guy runs to catch the group, tapping the (new) last Pax on the shoulder, who then stops to begin his 4 Merkins, while the (former) last guy continues on to the front of the line. Continue until all Pax have performed a set of Merkins (ending at Community Center lot).

5.  x 10 Burpees OYO.  Jog to Billy Line.  Staying in aforementioned 3 Bataan Death March lines.  Group 1 perform 4 Anniversary Merkins then Billy Run to Shovel Flag.  Group 2, then Grouyp 3.

Mary:  x 15 Freddie Mercs.

Count-a-rama and Name-a-rama:  49ish with two FNGs: welcome YouBetcha and Chop Block.  I think Bootcamp was 35 men,  ~dozen for Vespers, a few for Insomnia (couple weren’t at count-a-rama), and a couple idiots with Hermes for “The Maynard”.  I think the grand total of 51 or 52.  There were so many men that my phone died when getting names, so if I failed to list you, or if you know someone I didn’t list, speak up. Announcements:  check F3carpex.com for all the latest, but here’s what I do remember: 9/11 Stair Climb at Carter Finely, GTG Campaign, Guys weekend at PetSounds lake house 9/15-17, CSAUP October 7th.  Maybe there was something about three new Areas Of Operation: Slippery When Wet launching this Friday at Ritter Park, and Wolverine launching 9/18, and McShanks are launching an AO 9/26. Prayers/Praises:  men, there were about five prayer requests.  I really need to better myself with remembering all the requests before BOM, but I blanked and didn’t want to leave anyone out.  I will do better and/or ask for help.

Nekked Mole Skin

  • Quoting Franti:  “It’s Good To Be Alive Today”
  • Large group of men to Q, but I loved it.
  • Turns out folks aren’t fans of Chilcutts and Shakiras on concrete; RipTide whined constantly—toughen up bro!
  • YHC loved the ITY-bITY exercise……..I was the only one though.
  • Burt tried really hard to foil my Q multiple times, including calling demi-audibles, picking up cones when exercises weren’t finished, and……..incessant mumble chatter.  Burt, you don’t hear me chattering during your Qs!
  • Hermes didn’t make COT, as he was still out running The Maynard.  Someone even mentioned to say a prayer for him.  When the dust settled after COT and most men had driven away, wobbly-legged Hermes finally made his way to the parking lot……walking noodle-like Zab Judah (seriously YouTube Zab Judah KO).   So funny!
  • Speaking of my new sneakers……remember when you were a kid and you tried on the new shoes at the store?  You ran across the store and made that sideways jump stop to test out the shoes grip-a-ability.  Now fast forward to buying shoes as an ‘old man’ in the sneaker store.  Fancy salesdude asks me what will be the function of my shoes—-I tell him I need a hybrid shoe; some road running and “other stuff”.  I didn’t have the patience to explain.  So I selected a pair of sneakers to try on, and then I tested them out in the store.  You know…the usual test for F3 sneakers:  did a couple laps inside the store, high knees, x 5 Hillbillies, x 5 Monkey Humpers in slow cadence, x 3 Bobby Hurlys, Carolina Dry Docks x 15 in perfect cadence, x 8 alternating step ups on the bench, Homer-to-Marge x 69 on my up, and a quick set of 7’s utilizing the shirt rack for pull-ups and a Brannock in each hand for curls.   Didn’t even break a sweat.  The shoes seemed fine, so I bought’em.
  • Again, it’s a great day to be alive

See also