It's called Winterfell for a reason!

Super frosty & icy morning in the Far Northeast Kingdom of CARPEX! Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was the over eating attributed to the Super Bowl, maybe it was the over drinking (SB)….. not really sure but the mumble chatter was high & the mosey was slow this fine morning.

Here’s how it went down according to my recollection.

No FNGs, start with the pledge, mosey back along school to the back where the buses are – painted some lines than circled up for some warm-up:

Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Abe Vigoda’s (too fast?), Sir Fazios wind & unwind, overhead claps, etc. Mosey back along the side of the school for

Thang 1:

Inflate the BLIMPS on the run – tour the massive Rooney campus and inflate: 5 Burpees, 10 L/F Lunge Walk, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank-Jacks, & 30 deep squats. Mosey to the courtyard for

Thang 2:

Bench work – the very popular Bulgarian Split Squats, irkins, alternating L/R step-ups, etc. Couple rounds and move on as the benches were frosty & slick. Mosey out toward the track to the jump pit area for

Thang 3:

Walk out Merkins, bear crawl across the the other side - repeat 3 more times…. circle up for


Shoe Horn called American Hammers, Badlands called Dying Cockroaches, Franklin called Homer-to-Marge, and only because the PAX begged for it , I called Side Plank Star Crunches prior to Have a Nice Day!


11 PAX (1 Honor – you are remarkable Burt!, 3 Respects, & 7 Meh)

Announcements – be on the lookout for Q-school opportunities on the Q sheet & Slack

Prayers – Bartman, his M & family on the loss of her Dad. Ma Bell’s M, Sandy recovery after a tumble Friday, my partner Doug’s son Max fighting cancer.

NMS: Things are feeling great in the Carpex world – not to jinx anything, I hope…. couple days last week with over 100 PAX and such an amazing Duck Donuts Dash – strong turnouts in crapping weather & we are doing it safely.

Love all you guys – such a great group of true high-impact men getting a least a bit better everyday – we’ve found a great blend of pushing each other to be better without crossing over into too serious.

See also