It's Better the 2nd Time

Fortune smiled on Ma Bell Sunday night. After a trip back to Cary from down East, a long solo ruck, the opportunity to charcoal grill some chicken, YHC settled in to see what he’d missed on Slack when what from his wandering eye should appear but a DM from Banjo. What could he want? Alas, he was offering the Q at Wolverine. Cool, cool. I’ll take it, Banjo. I pre-blasted the change to weed out the weak.

At 05:29:45, we were 12 - no, here comes Doogie just a strollin’ up - make that 13 strong. Let’s go. We promptly left the gloomy, muddy, and limited confines of the park. As I was reminded, we had an FNG and I hadn’t even said the disclaimer. The site Qs graciously picked me up. We headed up to the Middle School, stopping behind the school for


  • Slooooow GM IC
  • Standard Merkins OMD
  • Diamond Merkins OMD
  • Worst Merkins Ever OYO
  • Alternating Lunges IC

The Thang

Mosey over to the track for a good ol’ fashioned Merkin Mile - with a twist of course. Run a lap, then do 10 Standard Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins, and 5 Worst Merkins Ever OYO. Then squat hold until we’re all done. Repeato x 3 with some Squats and Leg Flutters thrown in. Here’s the beautiful part. I can’t even wait til the NMS for this. Somewhere during the 2nd lap, word got back to the Q that we had merlot spillage somewhere on the far side of the track, but mercifully on the other side of the fence and not actually on the track. Yes! YES!! Ye-e-e-e-e-SSS!!! OK, more on this later.

After the Merlot Merkin Mile (too good to pass up) we moseyed back over to the school where the 4-square courts are and partnered up. P1 jog over to either the pull-up bars or behind the bathroom to the shelter I-beams and do 10 pull-ups. P2 lunge walk around one of the 4-square courts. When P1 returns, flapjack. Repeato x 2.

Once all the PAX had finished, it was time to head back to the shovel flag. We stopped about 3/4 of the way and did some LBCs IC while the six caught up, then proceeded back to the park. After a lap around the pickle for good measure, we circled up for


  • Box Cutters IC
  • Hello Dollys IC
  • American Hammers IC


Count-a-rama: 13

Name-a-rama: Only 1 RESPECT (I think), 2 HATES, and a buncha mehs. Welcome FNG J-Pop

Announcements: Ma Bell needs someone to take his ruck to the TRM on Sunday. All kidding aside, several Carpex PAX are either running or rucking the event. Even if you’re not participating, it is a welcome sight to see someone you know cheering you on!

Prayers/Praises: Swag’s M, Disco Duck’s M and 2.0, Hi-Liter’s 2.0

BOM: YHC humbly took us out in prayer


  • And we’re back. Let’s talk about this merlot spillage. Out of respect, I won’t name the spiller. When I heard about it I felt bad for this PAX
  • But only for a minute. I’m not going to lie, this one was even better the second time. The first was a 2.0. And, I mean, you never forget your first. But the questions lingered. Was it only because he was young? Can I do it again?
  • Turns out the answer is YES!! Yes, I can.
  • And here’s the kicker. Build-a-Bear said, “what is that, your 3rd?” Having replied, “nah, 2nd,” I still got an admiring “dammit!” out of him. Now, that’s something right there. The swolt builder of all Bears giving you a compliment.
  • But seriously…
  • Did I mention I induced merlot? I think this deserves another guest appearance on PUT6
  • But really seriously, I was happy with the opportunity to pick up for Banjo. For those of you who missed him, I’m sure he’ll be back. Thanks to the PAX who came out and worked hard. It was a great group that I’m proud to call my brothers.

See also