"It's as easy as ABC..."

Alphabet Climbing Holds | Letter Bolt-On Climbing Holds

So YHC had been on the Q sheet for SNS for a while now, before AOs started to close and practically all of F3 had shut down. Without still attending “F3” workouts, I know I would go to a bad place of staying up late, eating like garbage, and worst of all, not working out. So might as well still show up and see if anyone else does too. Low and behold, upon pulling in the parking lot there stands 3 other Pax and some runners cruising around the parking lot of the Bond Park Senior Center. HGTV asked who the Q was, so I responded that it would be me. The runners were going to keep running, and there was no flag so at 0545, off we went. Here’s what went down:

Warmup: Mosey to the upper parking lot for:
SSH x 15 IC
Good Mornings x 5 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles fwd/rev x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Calf Stretch x 10 sec silent count L/R

The Thang: YHC decided trying to do an exercise that starts with each letter of the alphabet sounded like a good idea so we took a little tour of Bond Park stopping periodically along the way for some exercises. All exercises were performed x 10 IC. Exercises were as follows:
American Hammers
Bonnie Blairs
Crab Cakes
Freddie Mercury
Gas Pumps
Hand Release Merkins
Imperial Walkers
Jump Squats
Monkey Humpers
Peter Parkers
Quad Stretch (not many options for Q)
Superman Merkins
Turkish Getups
Wide Grip Merkins
X-cross Sit ups
Zombie Crunch

We ran a little over time, but I don’t think anyone minded. That much at least. The runners seemed to enjoy watching us finish up the last 5 or so exercises.

Announcements: VHS brought up that churches are trying to help provide food/grocery items to folks that are unable to get out or can’t risk going out. Reach out to your local church(es) to see if you can help deliver/sort/etc.

Prayers/Praises: Prayers for our leaders working tirelessly to get us all through this in the best way possible.

YHC took us out. Thanks to everyone that came out this morning. MIAGD!

See also