It's all circles

Q swap week took YHC to where it all started back in September of 2017…Thunder. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was EH’d by M4L and the beatdown was brought to us by Butt Joint. Thank you men for re-igniting that fire (see below.)

**Circle Up. Good Evenings, Windmill, Sir Fazio’s, Seal Clap, [10 penalty burpees for Sea Horse from Wilmington, who we found out later came directly from the airport for the workout #sorrynotsorry] Overhead Clap, Morroccan Night Club, Steve Earle, Mnt. Climbers.

Mosey to the circular track around baseball fields

**Thang 1
**Starting at the top of the circle run around track stopping at 3,6,9 & 12 to perform that many reps of Tuck Jumps.

Partner Up. 1 grabs an ego rock [I was surprised what small egos many of the SW guys had.] Circle up in rock, no rock formation. Partner w/ rock performs rock your body. Partner w/o rock performs burpee. Rotate 1 step to the left and repeato.

After one full circle, repeato with 2 rock your body and Turkish Get Up

Mosey to the circular track around the soccer fields.

**Thang 2
**Partners run in opposite direction around the circle meet on the other side for 10x Derkins. Continue to run to other side of the circle for 10x Partner Squats.

Circle up for 10x Absolution


Mosey to the flag

Circle Up. Merkins, Boat Canoe, Shoulder Tap (added wrist, elbow, waist, knee and ankle), 100s

**Some stuff was said, but I can’t remember
Prayers and Praises for those mentioned and all of the PAX

YHC took us out with a quote from Albert Schweitzer

“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.”


See also