It's a numbers game......

Numbers here, numbers there.  We are inundated by numbers.  How fast were you driving, what was your GPA, how much did your house cost, what is your income, how much did you pay in taxes, how many times have you posted, how long have you been doing F3.  Numbers are everywhere and some are good and some are not so good.

Today was a celebration of numbers for Crimson.  The first number of celebration was 19.  Many exercises were counted to 19 and for good reason.  When YHC started F3 11 months ago, I knew I had some pounds to drop.  The medical professionals said so, the internet said so and my knees definitely were telling me so.  Through a lot of motivation from my F3 brothers and the constant support of my driver who keeps me accountable, I’m happy to report that I have drop 19 pounds in 11 months.  I never would have thought it was possible but it’s amazing what is possible when you put effort into it.

The second number of celebration was 53.  After turning 53 this week, sometimes I think I’m too old for this stuff.  But, when I look at the likes of @Smokey, @Coney, @TermPaper, @GasGrill, @Yogi and many others, I realize that age, if placed into proper context, is just another number.  These respects display what is possible when you put effort into it.

F3 is definitely worth the effort.

With that said, it was time to move on.


  • SSH x 19 IC
  • Good Morning x 19 IC
  • Imperial Walker x 19 IC
  • Calf Pulse Stretch with a 19 count
  • Burpees x 10 (in respect of Disco Ducks new warm up standard)

Thang 1

  • Brisk jog up to the top of the hill
  • Plank hold at the top or Pick up the Six
  • Standard Merkin x 19 On my Down
  • Star Jumps x 19 OYO
  • Brisk jog down the hill to the Basketball court
  • Squat hold or Pick up the Six
  • Break into two groups
  • Group 1 Suicides on the BB court
  • Group 2 BTTW
  • flapjack

Thang 2

  • Indian Run down to the path and on to the wooden bridge
  • Bear Crawl across the bridge
  • Plank hold at the end or pick up the six
  • Roll it over and enjoy LBCs x 53
  • Run to the rock pile
  • Rock Pile Work
  • Group 1 gets ego rock for rock exercise of your choice
  • Group 2 runs the pickle
  • Flapjack
  • Repeat for two cycles
  • Run back to the bridge with a lunge walk across the bridge
  • Plank at the top of the bridge then 19 merkins on my down
  • Mosey to the top of the path
  • All You Got to the flag
  • Quick round of dips, left right step ups and erkins at the shelter


  • Crimson started Mary off with low, “no so slow” leg flutter x 53
  • Multiple PAX called their own mary which included Freddie Mercury’s, Homer to Marge, American Hammers, Box Cutters and Boat Canoes


  • Name-o-rama – 14 PAX present and accounted for.
  • F3 Dads tomorrow, Bond Park. Need someone for Snacks
  • Odyssey CSAUP October 2, 2017 at Bond Park. Sign up via web site. Can still do Odyssey without Odyssey shirt.
  • Wolverine Starts Monday, Sep 18.
  • Q School, October 2
  • Hotspot’s 94 year-old grandmother passed away
  • Parker’s Dad has Alzheimer’s disease
  • YHC took us out.


  • Hotspot mentioned he has about a 1000 pair of running shoes because they are only good for 300 miles per pair……#GiftedAthleteProblems #ShoeDiva #ImeldaMarcos
  • @Sooey has already signed up for Odyssey so YHC has transportation. Parker said you don’t need an Odyssey shirt to do Odyssey.  #AllOutOfExcuses

See also