It's 11s All the Way Down...and Up

I can neither confirm nor deny whether the site-Qs or colluding Russian hackers deleted the Flying Circus Q sheet and all Qs in queue, but Hotspot’s weekly Q-shopping sheet had a glaring hole for the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday.  A hole that remained unfilled as of last night.  Since the best way to fill future Q spots is to mercilessly beat down the PAX week after week until they cry out in unison for relief, like a dishonest judge finally providing justice to a relentless, hectoring widow, I decided to Q the FC a second week in a row.  However, Goose and I are still working out the details of our Combat Readiness Test co-Q (right, Goose?  Haven’t heard from you in a while, so I am just assuming it’s still a thing), so I needed a workout that wasn’t too intricate.  Dora 1-2-3?  Nah, Disco just pulled off a great variation on that theme, and I don’t want it to get stale.  11s?  It’s like the Hamburger Helper of Qs: simple, effective, and great for the body.  And, just like the Helper, it can be spiced up in any number of ways.  Planning phase complete, on to execution.

The Warm-up

Jog down to the bottom of Andy “the hill”, mixing in butt-kickers, high-knees, and side-shuffles along the way.  Circle up for SSH, good mornings, windmills, willie mays hayes, mountain climbers, and plank jacks.  Head over to the recently discovered (by me) boulder pile (“rock” doesn’t do these things justice) and pick out a looker.  Bring it back out to the road while I educate the PAX on the plan

The Thang and Mary

11s - run one way do 10 of an exercise, run the other way, do 1 of an exercise = 11.  Repeat, with 9+2 = 11, repeat with 8+3 = 11, etc., etc.  Today’s exercises were merkins at the top of Andy “the hill” and big boy sit-ups at the bottom.  Today’s Hamburger Helper flourish was the rocks placed halfway between Andy top and Andy bottom.  Stop at your rock for 11 curls on the way up and 11 tricep extensions on the way down.  It was great, just ask anyone there.

Hold for the 6 with rocks overhead for as long as I could stand it, repeat, repeat.

Put the rocks away and run back up Andy “the hill” just in time for COT (by my watch that is…some PAX didn’t quite make it by 0630).


Count-o-rama: 9

Name-o-rama: 6 Mehs, 3 RESPECTS!


-Fill out that Q sheet, no one wants a 3rd week of Beaker.  Follows on with a recent post by Deanwormer in Churham discussing that the 4th core principle of F3 is that it is self-led by everyone in a rotating fashion.  His was the inspirational exhortation to Q (the carrot, if you will).  Mine was the stick: If the spot is still open next week, Russian hackers or no, I’d take it and there will be Merlot

-The Bull

-Ma Bell wants a clown car to OCL on 26Apr18.  I’m in.

-Something else Ma Bell said that I cannot remember now


-Van Winkle and Brosef (Kilmer’s 2.0s) for a job and God’s will in a study abroad opportunity, respectively.  I would ask you all especially to hold Brosef in your prayers about this as it would mean separation from Mom and Dad, who are a strong anchor for him.

-Not Kilmer’s M, who is a rock star recovering from total knee replacement

-PBX/Sky Blue arctic camping trip with Scouts at Sherron Harris this weekend

YHC took us out.


-Someone needs to run a workout called “The Muggo”.  After reading parts 1 and 2 of the new Callahan blog (check it out y’all, it’s almost as good as the Carpex News letter, but appears to be potentially more frequent), I would recommend a full 44.5 minutes of alternating burpees and ‘Merican hammers, partnering up to kick each other’s nads in the last 30 seconds.

-After a slow start to the Mumblechatter, Hi-Liter threw YHC for a loop with a stupid question about wooden shoes.  Of all the things to throw me off my cadence count.  Why is he asking about wooden shoes?  That’s random.  And clogs, why didn’t he say clogs?  It’s more direct, shorter, and an onomatopoeia to boot.  And yes, I have worn clogs.  As a wee lad living in Germany, the family took a trip to Holland to see tulips and windmills.  YHC wound up with some clogs as a souvenir, but you better believe I slapped those bad boys on my feet and pranced around to my heart’s content, much to my parents’ dismay, I’m assuming.  They’re not called clogs for nothing.  Which reminds me, if any of you ever think it is a good idea to buy cute little shoes with a squeaker in the heel for a relative’s rambunctious toddler - IT.  IS.  NOT.

-Now, about the clogs.  Of all the toys I owned in my childhood, most are long forgotten.  Two, however, stand out in my mind as the awesome-est of all, and largely for the same reason: the clogs and a two-wheel bike with solid plastic wheels.  The reason: gather enough speed with either and then slam the brakes and little Beaker could skid out for miles, leaving a trail of plastic shards or wooden splinters over whatever poor surface was underneath.  My children will own neither clogs nor plastic-wheeled bikes.

-Great fellowship at White Oak with 5 PAX

-Kilmer wants a McDs coffeeteria post-FOD soon

-Kilmer routinely has 8am meetings after FC.  Either he doesn’t schedule his own meetings, he’s meeting with someone in the EU, or he hates his reports.

See also