Italian Stallions


Italian is pronounced | iˈtalyən | … NOT EYE-talian. FWIW


Love this site … what a great core of HIM. 13 prize fighters joined YHC to go ten rounds with Rocky Balboa. Last week YHC Q’d at Dawn Patrol and took the men there through ten rounds with Mike Tyson…only CarPex men could handle this upgrade. Ring the bell…here we go…

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance at the…wait…hey Site Q, where’s the flag?! How ‘bout ya’ll do some AMRAP penalty burBees while YHC pulls the Wolverine flag from my car…now, back to the pledge. - Mixed run around the driveway circle (x3) - BR, Karaoke, Weave the Pylons - SSH (x38); Squats (x38); St. Merkins (x38) LBC’s (x38) - Grab a TRAVELING rock (I tried to warn you, Kyrie) and follow YHC to the shopping center pk lot

The Thang

- Ten Rounds with Rocky Balboa – total 38 reps of each of the following at the start, middle, far end, middle of the lot: Rock Merkins; Rock Rows; Rock Hammers; JackAss Merkins; Rock Presses; Dying Rock Roaches; Diamond Merkins; Jumping Rock Lunges; WWII Rock Ups (add extra for Ollie); Rock Tricep OH Extensions (run with the rock over your head). Rock curl while you wait for the 6 / Pick up the 6. - Run back to the park driveway circle, partner up.

The Thang 2

- Rock runs with Mary – run a lap with the rock over your head while your partner does AMRAP: LBC, Freddie Merc. Low Slow Flutter. Flapjack. - Put your rock back. AYG to the flag


- LBC (x38)


See also