It was a wheelbarrow of a time with Merkins, taboot! Luckily, QIC/YHC had extra gloves for those who showed up in the gloom without any.

Date: 9/5/19

PAX: Butt Fumble, Cataracts, Chicken Little, FNG Dreamliner, Frisco, Glow, Headroom, Oxtail, Prosecco, QueeQueg, Qwerty, Shipper, Slappy, Smithers, Taxi Driver, Wahoo, WWW

The morning was beautiful with a comfortable 70 degrees. As the PAX showed up, I asked those who did not have any gloves as they stepped out of their chariot, why no gloves? Luckily, QIC/YHC was prepared and handed those without gloves extra gloves that I did have. I had enough.

We did have an FNG in our midst, so we went through the F3 administravia stuff and Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory.  Of we went on a SLOOOOWWW mosey to the other parking lot to warm-up.

Warm-up: GM, Hamstring stretched, Abe Vigodas, calf stretched, CFMs x 5.

Here is the reason for the gloves. Thang 1 is parner wheelbarrow or deviously named Wheel-kins 5-5-5. 5 steps, 5 merkins for 5 times. Flapjack with partner but before partner 2 does his wheel-kins, there were 50 buddy squats to be done. Once completed, partner 2 starts his set of wheel-kins. Repeato for round 2. On round two, replace buddy squats with buddy monkey humpers.

Thang 2: Burpee escalator: 5-6-7-8-9-10. In between each set of burpees, run / walk to other pickle corner. QIC calls out a PAX to lead the group in the burpees.

Thang 3: Dips AMRAP while partner 2 runs the pickle for 3 rounds.

Thang 4: Quick hands 15IC + 10 irkins. This like quick-feet but with your hands. PAX in plank position facing the curb. QIC calls the cadence (4 count exercise).

Mosey back to flag for a round of Mary around the circle PAX favorite x 10 reps.

COR: 17

NOR: 3 Respects, 13 mehs, 1 FNG

Announcements: 9/11 Stair Climb, The Odyssey 10/5, CarPex Family Picnic 10/5, CarPex Annual Golf Tournament 10/7

Prayer / Prayers: Prayers for the victims of Hurricane Dorian, Prayers for our BRR Brothers who are taking the BRR Challenge this weekend. Prayers for all our IR Brothers who are trying to heal.

BOM: YHC led us out.


6-Man: Qwerty reintroduced himself to the group.

Welcome FNG Dreamliner!

Thanks for letting me lead you through the exercises to help continue to grow us physically, mentally and spiritually.

See also