It was a Dark and Stormy Morning...


The FMJ Q-Coozies are awesome. Nice work, Shank. To be clear, though, it was NOT for the wet Coozie that YHC partnered with Pet Sounds on this unusually warm and stormy morning in the PEX. YHC enjoys the challenge - to post, let alone Q, in the monsoon conditions that were forecast promised to be a great challenge to overcome. YHC couldn’t pass up the opportunity.


9 mariners manned up and made waves with Pet Sounds and YHC at FMJ.

Conditions: dark, steady to heavy rain, moderate winds, low 60’s. Let’s go.

The Warmup (YHC)

- Run to the school, find a puddly spot NOT under cover for the warm up - LBC x25; Merkins x25; Freddie Merks x25; Plank Jacks x25; Hillbillies x20; Sir Fazio AC’s/OH Claps x15 - Run to the other school parking lot, find another puddly spot to circle up

The Thang 1 (YHC)

- Jack Webb - Run to the road, partner up, size matters - Partner carry between light poles, stopping at each for 20 Mary: LBC, Homer to Large, Freddie Merk, LSF

- Hand off to Pet Sounds…

The Thang 2 (Pet Sounds)

- Run to the front hill, bear crawl the hill - Run around the school to the biggest hill at FMJ for 7’s: burpees and Turkish Getups - Run to the playground for 2 sets AMRAP pull-ups - Run back around the school to the flag, AYG to a few light poles - Stretch


- Receive a WET COOZIE from Shank


- Wet coozies are still cool ‘cause they dry.

See also