It snowed, we ignored it... this is what we did

6 regulars, 1 occasional visitor and 1 newbie to Koka Booth showed up this morning at Koka Booth.  The 5 inches of snow yesterday didn’t bother us - this is how we roll.  Welcome to Nature Boy and his first time at this hi tempo AO.  A couple of minutes of small talk and we were off.  

3 laps around the parking lot pickle and then circle up at the start for GM x 18 (it took Nature Boy that long to catch up and offer is required standard line), SSH x 18, HB x 18, SFAC while YHC explained what was next.

A quick run out the parking lot - to the 2nd entrance on the left and then down to the circle.  Take whatever pace you can - and stay in finish order as you round the circle.    The first finisher pair up with the last, the 2nd with the 2nd to last, etc until all men have partners.  Then - run with your partner over past the entrance to the amphitheater and near the parking lot entrance.  From here - we are dividing in to 2 groups - G1 is the first 4 finishers, G2 is the next 4 finishers.

G1, around a section of the parking lot while G2 stays behind for Plank Jacks, Flap jack and then flap jack again - so G1 gets to run twice as much as G2.  Continue the same pattern in different sections of the parking lot with merkins, then star jumps, then squats.  Yes, G1 always runs twice and G2 always exercises twice.  (most people were very pleased with the arrangement but Denali had various complaints so at some point during the set - he and his partner Burt switched teams.

After we covered this section of the parking lot - we mosey over to the other main section on the far side of the entry circle.  Here we stayed with our partner for

10 parking spaces bear crawl, 10 lunge walk, 10 bear crawl, 10 crab walk.  Then wheelbarrow back to the beginning.  As time was beginning to fade, we joined up for an Indian run back to the start which included an additional lap around the parking lot small pickle.  Mary consisted of 10 jump tucks OYO and some SFAC, followed by one all you got sprint around the pickle.

COT - Announcements - holiday party, props on operation sweet tooth, Prayers - our brothers who struggle to come out into the cold wet gloom, Denali’s nephew who is having seizures, as Ausfarht.

YHC took us out - Always a pleasure to lead and i hope for the regulars I managed to make it high intensity enough for you.

See also