It Gets Harder as it Gets Easier

As I’ve been saying for a while now, I think I got spoiled by the seemingly extended warm weather we had this year. Cause now you can really notice the cold thats here now. This was certainly the case this past Tuesday as YHC ventured out to Q Field of Dreams. Which was the last of the different Tues/Thurs workouts I had planned to Q this year!

19 Pax in total made it out to the site, though the runners were already long gone by the time the bootcamp began. When it was time the disclaimer was given, the pledge was recited and we were off and running a lap in the main parking lot!

Warm Up:

  • Good Morning
  • SSH
  • Sir Fasio Arm Circles, Forward and Reverse
  • Overhead Clap
  • Hillbillies
  • Plank Jacks

Run along the road to the big parking lot.

The Thang: (Expanding) Four Corner

If you notice the entire layout of the parking lot you’ll see there are four islands of tree lines. Using these reference points we did, what I called, (Expanding) Four Corners. We did 4 laps, each lap marked by the next tree line. So with every lap the distance was increasing. A different exercise was called for each corner: Merkins, Leg Levers, Squats, and Supermans. For each exercise on the first lap we had 40 reps, then with each lap we decreased the reps by 10.

When finished we had to knock out 10 penalty Burpees because Overflow was late.


After we ran back to the flag and met up with the runners we circled up for some Mary:

  • LBCs
  • WWII
  • Black Widow Knee Slides
  • Box Cutters
  • 100s
  • Have A Nice Day



Duck Donuts Dash – Feb. 4

Oakwood 24 this upcoming weekend


Thankful praises was lifted up for F3 being there for pax like Disco Duck and his M!

YHC took us out.


We were all very grateful that Ollie eventually made it back safely!

See also