"It Didn't Look That Big When We Started"




  1. a small hill or mound.

    synonyms:mound, small hill, prominenceelevationriseknollhummockhumpdune;
    "the lovely green hillocks in the distance"


First, credit to Denali for the #twss quote (possibly paraphrased) that became the backblast title.  We wrapped up our workout on the featured hillock near the Salem Pond Park parking lot, but there was oh so much more this PAX of 12 did on the first sub-50 degree morning in several months.


  • Run down toward middle school parking lot and circle up
  • 27 SSH, IC (Unranked Syracuse 27, #2 Clemson 24)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers, IC
  • 20 Mountain Climbers, IC
  • 20 Standard Merkins

Thang 1

  • Run down to the bottom of hill near bus loop for a form of Esau’s Ladder
  • Hand-release merkins at the top
  • Star jumps at the bottom
  • Start with 2 and keep adding 2 up to 10

Thang 2

  • Run over to track for 4 “corners”
  • 1st lap: 10 wide-grip merkins
  • 2nd lap: 20 tuck jumps
  • 3rd lap: 30 single count Freddy Mercuries

Thang 3

  • Run over to playground for the obligatory “mini-Murph”
  • (At this point Pet Sounds tried to distract YHC but I’m wise to his tricks)
  • 10 pullups
  • 20 standard merkins
  • 30 squats
  • Repeato (total of 2 sets)

Thang 4

  • Run back toward packing lot but stop at hillock
  • Crawl bear to top
  • 10 diamond merkins
  • Bear crawl down other side
  • 20 LBCs
  • Repeato to get back to start


  • 20 LBCs, IC
  • 20 Heels to Heaven, IC
  • 20 Freddy Mercuries, IC


  • “Breaking Bread” tomorrow (10/18) after SnS and Vesper.  Tortoises will also be meeting at Bond Park instead of its usual location.


  • The Shore and his family and friends in Charlotte as they deal with their tragic loss.  Also CD’s safe travels and strength as he attends the service and helps them through this difficult time.
  • Grease Monkey’s M and her upcoming doctor visit as she continues to battle health issues
  • Old Maid’s M as she recovers from her recent injury.
  • FMJ co-site Q Shank’s recovery from his injury.  We look forward to seeing him in the gloom again soon!

YHC took us out.  As always, it was an honor and a pleasure to lead.

See also