It Ain't Easy Being Green Flash

My car said it was 28 degrees, the sign at the bank said it was 25 degrees, whatever it was it was cold enough that YHC had to break out his fancy new ninja mask to keep his face warm.  Despite the weather, 18 polar bears showed up looking to get stronger.


Mosey over to the back of the parking lot near the circle with the big rocks and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, Sir Fazio’s (both ways) and plank jacks.  Also threw in 10 penalty burpees.  I told the PAX it was because of a late arrival, but we were going to do burpees anyway.  It’s a warm-up, and nothing gets the blood moving like burpees.

The Thang

Line up at the light pole for some Disco Sprints.  Run to the first light pole, do ten merkins, run back, do ten merkins, run to the second light pole, do ten merkins, run back, do ten merkins, run to the third light pole, do ten merkins, run back.

Mosey up to the school and line up on the wall for BTTW Indian run.  Everyone in BTTW position, man on one end runs to the other end and yells GO to let the next man know it’s his turn to run.  The plan was to continue until everyone had run, but with such a large crowd we ran out of wall before we ran out of men.

Back to the parking lot for another round of Disco Sprints, this time with prisoner squats.

Back to the wall for another round of BTTW Indian run.

Back to the parking lot for another round of Disco Sprints, this time with star jumps.

Back to the wall for a round of people’s chair Indian run.

Back to the parking lot for the final round of Disco Sprints, this time with burpees.


Up to the basketball court for around the horn Mary, we did LBCs, heels to heaven, flutter kicks, Rosalita, American hammers, Homer-to-Marge, Freddie Mercurys and finished with have a nice day.


Count-a-rama:  18 Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for a young man named Alex who has been in the hospital since before Christmas, waiting for test results, praying he will not require surgery and that he will be home and recovering soon, prayers for Pergo and his family, especially his dad, after his grandfather passed away recently. BOM:  YHC took us out.


Thanks to the Green Flash crew for letting me lead this morning.  This was the last item for YHC on the Carpex Leadership Challenge.  The cold weather, plus leading a group of guys I mostly didn’t know made it tough.  But after a few minutes the weather wasn’t a problem, and the Raleigh PAX are just like the Carpex PAX.  Lots of mumble chatter, lots of camaraderie, lots of support and encouragement.  Looking forward to visiting again in 2018, and you guys are always welcome in Carpex.

Special thanks to Jiggly Puff for coming out to support me.

Hacksaw has been my good buddy for many years, long before F3 existed, it’s always good to get after it in the gloom with him.

See also