It Adds Up, I Promise...

Time change and the Mule over the weekend = 5 HIM gathered at the flag in the misty gloom for a mathtastic beat down at A-Team.

As YHC left his watch at home, Hot Spot is appointed timekeeper and announces that we have 10 seconds to GO TIME.  The flag is planted, we start out with the Pledge and mosey into the park.

Warm Up

Standard fare of SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio both forward and reverso, Overhead Claps and Good Mornings.  Mosey to the bottom of a carefully selected hill.

Thang 1

11s are too easy, and this is a bright group.  22s, with Standard Merkins at the bottom and Monkey Humpers at the top:

  • 21 Merkins +1 MH
  • 17 Merks + 5 MH
  • 13 Merks + 9 MH
  • and so on

Thang 2

Mosey to the rock pile/basketball court and partner up.  Pick a non-traveling rock.  Partner 1 completes curls, overhead press, and rows AMRAP, Partner 2 bear crawls to half court, runs the rest of the length and back to half court, then lunge the rest of the way and flip flop.  Complete 1 set of each, except 2 of curls because biceps.

We’ve got a little time, so we throw in 2 rounds of BTTW with modified suicides.  Return the rocks, time to mosey back toward the cars.  On the top of the hill, we pause for 10 Burpees OYO, because Burpees.  Indian run the rest of the way to the front parking lot.


PAX choice of modified Freddie Mercs, Homer to Marge, LBCs, Dying Cock-a-roaches, WWIIs (some other stuff I forgot), then Hot Spot announces we’ve got 2 minutes left.  So we knock out some Merkins on my down AND up.


  • 1 respect, 4 mehs
  • Announcements: not as much to talk about since the Mule is done.  But the Bull.  Theismann and some other Vets are working on plans for a Memorial Day outreach event.  More to come.
  • YHC took us out in prayer


I double-checked my math on the 22s, and it does indeed add up each time despite the doubts of some in attendance.  The rock pile at A team is looking a little sparse.  Hoping Cheddar Bo notices and takes some action here.

Thanks to the HIDAs this morning for keeping me motivated.  This was a small but mighty group!

See also