It adds up


Showed up a bit before 5:30 thinking that FOD was an early start time. Then remembered that FOD is old school. 5:45AM Start old school. Luckily Gump was in the parking lot just waiting to put on some more miles. The man finished his first marathon Sunday and he’s already looking for some EC?! Crazy.

We got in a couple miles in ~15 minutes. I would have taken him back to the flag the long way but Gump talked me out of it. Good thing, too, since it was already 5:43.

Greated the PAX. Watched the clock as The U rounded the corner and stagged a spot. Damn. He was just on time.


Mosey up the hill to the parking that provides the best sunrise views of most, if not all, of CARPEx’s AOs. Did some stuff to warm the shoulders up.

GM, Sir Fazio, Overhead claps, Moroccan Night Clubs. Chillcut 10-count around the circle. Merkins. Plank jacks. Mountain climbers.

Mosey to the rockpile at the west entrance for … the worlds smallest rock collection. Not that the collection is small, mind you. The rocks are just teeny. So grab two.


With our clementines in hand, we mosey to the parking lot next door. The convenient pickle is surrounded by light poles. Starting at the first, and not ignoring any dark ones, add a rock burpee at each stop. Last stop, a convenient 10 in a row. Funny how 10 penalty burpees isn’t the end of the world but pumping out 10 after 15 seconds after finishing 9 really really sucks.

Back to the warmup parking lot. Similar deal but start with two curls, two overhead presses and two tricep extensions. Add two of each at each light.

Mosey down to the bottom of the road. One forearm extension, one overhead rock-clap, another forearm extension at each light. Cary loves its metric system. 10 lights again.

Drop the rocks. They got having after a little bit. It adds up.

Indigenous people’s run back to the flag the long way around.


  • Chasing Rabbits x10 IC
  • Other core things like LBCs, FK, FM, oblique crunches and supermen


16 PAX (counting the one who drove away)

Prayers for PBX.


  • bible study tonight
  • Freed to Bleed coming up - check Slack for deets
  • Maynard Metric Mayhem for Mother’s Day - check slack for deets

Six for coffee afterwards.


See also