Is that a phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

12 HIMs met in the not-so-gloomy, yet balmy 80 degree / 85%RH morning.  Aiming to be a responsible Q, I let the Pax know I was carrying my phone in the event of any emergencies.  Never one to be shy, McCants jumped at the opportunity to ensure is presence was welcome and enjoyed by the Q!  This heat and humidity can easily cause mild heat exhaustion or worse.  Stay Hydrated, folks!  No FNG’s to brief, so we’re off!

Brief mosey to the north parking area for a quick warm-up:

  • SSH
  • Good Morning
  • Calf Stretch Merkins
  • SF Arm Circles, forward and reverse

Thang 1: Mosey over to the track and split the Pax into groups of 3

  • Person 1 at the 100yd line, persons 2 & 3 on the 50yd line.
    • #1 does Merkins while waiting
    • #2 Sprints 50yds to #1
    • #3 patiently waits / catches their breath after running and switcheroo
    • Cycle through Sprint - Catch breath - Merkins and repeato 5X
    • Mosey one full lap to catch our breath and line up on the 0 and 100yd lines
    • Cycle through Sprint - Catch Breath - World’s Worse Merkins and repeato 3x
    • Mosey another full lap to catch our breath and recover a bit
    • Plank hold for the 6 followed by 10 Merkins OYO

It was at this point the pax began cursing me and wondering how we developed TWO High Tempo Carpex workouts this week.

  • Thang 2: Mosey over to the playground, still in groups of three
    • #1 Does Pullups
    • #2 Does Balls to the Wall against the adjacent centerfield fence
    • #3 Runs a lap around the outside of the baseball field and switcheroo
    • Cycle through Pullups - BTTW - Run and repeato 3x

Time was just about up, so we made two lines and conducted an Indian Run back to the flag for one set of LBC’s and a Good morning.  Michelob and Nerf ALMOST broke a sweat.  Almost.  The rest of us were completely drenched!

Five HIMs slow Mosey’d over for 2nd F Coffeetoria immediately after COT.



  • Happy Birthday Nerf!
  • Carpex Convergence at SnS tomorrow for Chinese Downhill’s testimony.  Coffee and Continental Breakfast is provided.
  • July 4th Convergence for Carpex is at Slippery When Wet, 1776 workout
  • South Wake also conducting a convergence for July 4th and coming the 1776 workout, AO unknown

Prayer Requests:

  • WWW Family is travelling to NY, prayers for their safe travel and return
  • Cataracts has a job interview
  • Banjo is travelling to Bolivia for some 3rd F action delivering medical supplies
    • Request if anyone has large luggage they do not need
    • 2.2 similarly travelling to Bosnia and also delivering medical supplies

See also