Is it Gran Torino or Grand Torino?

Famous Movie Cars - Gran Torino

So admittedly in my mind I always think Gran Torino is Grand Torino. I have no idea why? Perhaps just a by-product of a quality PA public school education? Anyway, the quest to complete as much of the Carpex challenge as possible continued this morning at GT. While YHC has been battling an injury as of late, the doc said I couldn’t do anymore damage and I started out the week with a few 5 mile days, so why not just grab that open GT Q spot for another box checked. Done. Here’s what went down.

Ma Bell and YHC for a little blue collar EC run. More like Carolina blue, but don’t tell Ma I said that. I hope I can still push that pace when I’m a double nickel!

Warmup: 6 Pax, with one doing his own thing and no FNGs and no flag so a quick mission statement and off 5 of us go. GT is high tempo and it’s a little breezy out so let’s get everyone warmed up. Mosey to the library and into the far parking lot for:

SSH x 20 IC
Good Mornings x 8 IC, L/R 10 count on the last one
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 IC
Seal Claps x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Calf Stretch L/R x 10 silent count each side

Thang: Mosey around the parking lot and out across the road and up behind Carpenter Elementary to the track. This track is more like a rectangle so it was perfect for some 4 corners action. Well, perfect other than the couple of spots where it was flooded. Ma was not happy with this. But PBX took advantage of the situation and tried to make the biggest splashes possible while wading through the water. Ma joined in this on the second round.
Starting with 5 merkins in the first corner, then 5 LBCs IC in the second, 5 jump squats, and 5 star jumps in the last. Repeat for 4 total round increasing reps by 5 each round. Once this was complete, we moseyed back to where the flag should be.

Mary: We had a little extra time when we got back, so YHC called some Jack Webs up to 5 x 20. Then we did Leg lifts x 10 IC, Freddy Mercs x 10 IC, Supermans x 10 IC, and Crab cakes x 10 IC. Turned it over to the Pax for:
PBX: Asheville hill climb LBCs x 10 at 5 different leg angles
One Four: Hello Dolly’s x 10 IC
Schroder: Homer to Marge x 10 IC (sorta)
Ma Bell: O face x 10 IC each way
Have a nice day!

COT: Carrying place this Sunday at 2:00. Bring mulch.
Prayers for View Master. Prayers for Build-a-bear with his impending heart surgery. Prayers for safety for all out at the MFRF2PBU this weekend. Go get it boys! YHC took us out.

NMS: YHC doesn’t Q high tempo (or even post at them) very often. It was a nice change of pace actually. TBH, I don’t think I’ve Qed anything in almost a month so it was good just to get back out there and lead. Thanks to all that showed up and especially to Ma Bell for calling the EC. YHC was going to take it easy today, but with that, got 4 out of the 5 days of 5 miles needed for the entrance into the MFRF2PBU. I am unable to do the race (nor probably should I while injured) but F3 makes you push yourself and this seemed like a good challenge. Although I came up a day short, getting 20+ miles in this week was certainly an accomplishment and I’ll definitely take it. Hoping to be back to full strength soon. MIAGD!

See also