Iron Pax Week #2 - Meatloaf's Massacre

Today at Davis Drive Track - 5 HIMs showed up - 4 to complete the Iron Pax Week 2 Challenge and 1 to do some stuff with a ruck and support the other 4 HIDAs in the BeatDown aka Massacre aka Why?!?!

Thang 1: $@#$%@#$#@!#&*%$$%@#$%@#$@#%@##@#$!#$@#%^&#$%@#$!@#$#^#%^#$%@#$%@#(%*#$^*#)(*%#(*$%)@)#(%*$@_(*#$(*%@)(#%*)(%$(%(^*#$(@#(@*#$)(^***#@(#%*@(#$(!)(!*@($*!)@$)(*%(@#$(*@#)$(*!@(#*!*!**#$

Thang 2: See Above

Thang 3: See Thang 2

Thang 4: WTF. Why is there a Thang 4? - See Thang 3

Mary: We all laid on the ground and recovered.

It was a great workout that pushed us both mentally and physically. So glad we had each other to get each other through it. The fern would have let us all quit without so much as a word from its frilly little leaves.

COT and Announcements: 2nd F Lunch with South Wake - See Slack 9/11 Stair Climb Odyssey

Prayers/Praises: We all came out alive. The pax taking care of TCP yesterday.

See also