Invigorating young men

A few days ago on ye ol’ Slack, YHC saw a cry for help across the chatter-sphere. A stomach bug of some sort was taking out the Slappy family and the FMJ Q was up for grabs. Sensing a distinct gap in my koozie inventory, YHC jumped in. As many of you know, Tuesdays are an infrequent post for me so while the kids are out of school and camp-less, might as well take advantage! A quick Google-inspection of the site reminded me of what was where and with a vague idea of a plan, we’re off.

A foggy gloomy and steamy day descended on CARPEx this fine Tuesday morning as Flip Flop and I drove out. With the roof down and the doors off, I would have been having a blast if not for the incessant chattering of Flip Flop’s teeth. Try as he might he couldn’t quite wrap his plastic-fiber towel around himself tight enough and was begging to be let out so he could go to an easy workout with the crew at Claymore. Luckily all it took was hitting the gas a bit more and the wind soon drowned him out.

There really was only one concerning thought on my mind (other than whether my friend Florida Man would show up again) and that was the location of rocks at FMJ. You see, that what little idea for a Q that I had hinged around there being a rock pile of some sort within jogging distance. But apparently all the construction happening on the other side of 64 means every pebble within 1,500 yards of Apex has been stripped away to turn into beautiful but completely impractical gravel driveways. Plan B it is… Legs!

By this time, 20-odd guys of all shapes and sizes were milling around waiting for magic to happen. At least half of them I had never set eyes on. Time to introduce myself to the new faces. I Pity the Fool… Big Red… Ma Bell… Zinfandel… Excited youngsters everyone. Time for a disclaimer to get things started off right.

Halfway through my welcome however, some millennial starts yawning. Obviously attention spans for the YouTube generation are even worse than the best of the VH1 age. Somewhat flustered, I mumble something about F3 being about invigorating young male communities and we’ve managed to hit rock bottom before the first sweat drop falls. Let’s get this moving before something else falls off the truck.


Jog to the roundabout in front of the elementary school for:
- 30 IC SSH
- 15 IC Cherry pickers… bottom style.
- 15 IC Cherry pickers… up in the trees still style
- 20 merkins
- Plank hold 5-ct around the circle… get down to elbows for the rest

PAX is complaining that their forearms hurt so I take pity on them. We move to the sidewalk for the rest. I’m hoping there’s a fireant hill somewhere.
- Low plank for 20 IC shakira’s

Jog to the middle school parking lot

Thang 1

Split into two groups. Group 1 broad jumps to the corner, lunge walks down to the bottom corner, side-slides to the stairs and bear-crawl up. Group 2 circles the middle school. Repeato.

For the second round, add 10 squats to start and 10 speed skates to finish.

Thang 2

Move to the front entrance of the middle school. The side with all the fancy benches.
- Group 1 15 pistol squats each leg
- Group 2 15 calf raises on the curb each leg

Flip flop with 30 dips in between. Repeato. Apparently there is a fireant hill here… Sorry How How!

With 4 lines formed, we Indian Run back to the flag.


- Calf and runners stretches
- Low-plank 5-ct around the circle followed by 20 IC shakira
- 20 supermans
- 2 slow scorpion stretches, 1 each side


26 PAX. At least 8 I had not had the pleasure of meeting in person before

Prayers for I Pity the Fool’s father Michael.

Announcing the coming of the “Garf-nado” at BH soon. You have to post to find out. Hell’s Bells is done dealing with locked gates and is moving to the Tortoises location. This has the added benefit of keeping the kettle bells at the church. F3 Dads camp still has spots.


Earned my FMJ koozie. Sweet

On one of my jogs around the middle school I got to talking with Stella, of the new guys I had not met before. Turns out Stella is an OG from way back in the day. Started with F3 at Danger Zone about 5 years ago and decided to get back into it today after seeing the group jogging the track one morning. Welcome back!

Seriously nice to get to know some of the new faces. Not getting out Tue or Thur and not heading to Apex much means I miss out on a lot. Great to see new peeps constantly.

Thanks for the coffee Parker

See also