Inverted Sunrise: I give it a 5/10 today

21 PAX met up in the early morning gloom at FWD. It was hot. Upper 70s. Suffocating humidity. An expertly written pre-blast promised all sorts of fun. YHC cooked up the plan about 2 minutes before go time. Needed to make it one to remember for the two FNGs in tow.

Warm Up

Mosey over past the big balls and circle up in the pickle for:

Plank Jacks
Calf Stretch
Good Mornings
Burpees (Cuz no one was counting)

The Thang

Count off. Get in groups of three.

Mosey almost all the way to the bridge, but stop short before we get to close to the noisy traffic so YHC can explain what’s next.

Over the next 25(ish) minutes, we did a 3-man weave. Partner 1 at one end of the bridge doing exercises, Partner 2 on the other end doing exercises, Partner 3 running between the two. I thought this was fairly self-explanatory. It wasn’t. However, after about 2 rounds, I think it started coming together.

Exercises we rotated through were…

Merkins and Squats
LBCs, Freddy Mercurys, Hello Dollys
Lunges and Carolina Dry Docks
American Hammers and WWIIs
People’s Chair

Before leaving the bridge, a request was made to expose our FNGs to the inverted sunrise. YHC obliged with a BTTW on the center of the bridge and a 10-count down the line.


To get back to the flag, YHC called for a Catch Me If You Can with 4 Hand release merkins and a backward run, however, YHC quickly audibled out of the backward run to a prisoner run. You know, for safety.

Back at the flag, time for…


Various PAX led:
Dying Cockroach
Homer -> Marge
Hello Dolly (sup boo)

All told, 2.28 miles on the ol’ Garmin, and likely about 2 liters of sweat in the dryfit. Not a bad start for a Tuesday.


Count-o-rama: 21 humidity hustlers
Name-o-rama: still 21. Mostly “meh” with a couple respects in the mix. No HATEs.
- Welcome Trevor, family man with two kids, but “just one wife”, hence the name Just One. It’s too bad we already had a Joe Smith. Speaking of, I miss that dude.
- Welcome Matt from Jersey, retired firefighter at 38 (said it was a long story…). Arson it is! Some speculation that we already have an Arson in Carpex, but no one could confirm he’s active. YHC made a judgment call. No Regerts
Announcements: check Slack, but Mabopane was mentioned
Prayers/Praises: Praises for the new guys coming out this AM. Prayers for the leaders, teachers, principals, parents, and students who are impacted by the counties’ decisions on the upcoming school year. Thank the sweet Lord above that I don’t yet have school aged kids.


  • It’s too damned hot at 0530
  • I’m with Mother Bell on this one…gimme 40s and rainy before this 78 and muggy mess
  • My communication skills need work. 
  • Either that, or the PAX need to work on listening comprehension. You choose.
  • 3-man weave is tough to explain to a crowd of restless PAX. They just wanna go!
  • Inverted sunrise was just okay today, but I’ve seen better.
  • The last two back blasts I’ve written have used a picture of a sunrise. 
  • #fact
  • not fun 
  • Hermes likes my haircut. So that makes two of us so far.
  • Shut In fartsacked today. He was busy reading all the comments on his latest YouTube hit and lost track of time last night. Didn’t get to bed until 1AM!
  • Lots and lots of EC runners this morning. Most got about 3 miles. They didn’t seem to struggle at all during the main event. 
  • Either they’re really tough, or I need to step up my Q game. 
  • Luckily, I get another shot tomorrow at SNS! Bring your running shoes, boyz


See also