Intro to Bruce Lee abs

It is now officially summer.

How’s everyone’s beach body?
When you think six-pack … are you thinking beer belly or abs?

I’ve had this workout flagged for a while but wasn’t quite sure when or how to pull it out. Decided today was as good a day as any.

Ma Bell and Franklin get an excused absence. The rest are in store for a beatdown in reverse.


Pickle laps
GMs, Windmills, Merkins (32x), IW, PJs, MC
Penalty burpees for a tardy someone. Can’t remember who

Thang Mary

Moseyed over to the benches in front of the school for 4 sets of:

  • 20x benchtop frog kicks / leg lifts
  • 20x full sit up (focus on squeezing the abs)
  • 20x full elbow twists

(see here for video demonstration from someone who looks like no one within our midst: LINK)

Sprint to the 5th light post and do 20 merkins


After four sets, we made our way back by stopping at every light pole for more Mary:

  • Freddy Mercs & Flutter kicks (lunge walk to light post)
  • LBCs & supermans (gorilla hop to light post)
  • L/R heel touches & heels to heaven (lunge walk)
  • J Lo’s (gorilla hop)


Back at the flag for SSH, merkins and shakira’s

Finish with a pledge of allegiance at the flag.


  • 15 PAX
  • Announcements: food drive (don’t ask Franklin for details) and TCP on Sunday @ 2PM
  • Prayers: for Jen and unspoken


  • Good to see Ma Bell out continue to shuffle. And props to Franklin for the company
  • Music today brought to you by Amazon Music’s “90s Alternative” station. Sadly I couldn’t find “The Crow” soundtrack easily enough for the Bruce Lee connection. We were ’entertained’ by Creed and Candlebox instead
  • Speaking of which… Pivot has quite the story to tell of his Candlebox experience. Riptide would have been impressed
  • Good to see Steak Knives out in the area again
  • Pleased to meet Garden (g)Nomad. And happy to see Cadence turning into a regular!

See also