
Last night, YHC went to bed and told the Mrs. that he would not be working out. It was our anniversary on Wednesday after all.

“Nope. I’m going to sleep in,” I said.

Unless I was so excited and couldn’t sleep in which case I might go to Insomnia.

“But fear not… I will be back by 6. So no worries. Sleep in.”

And with that, Tuesday turned into Wednesday and 14 years of marriage came to a close.

Sometime that night, YHC woke up. Not quite fully awake but not quite asleep, I looked at the phone to check the time. 4:42AM. Damn.

“Let’s see if I can get back to sleep,” I thought, turning over and pulling the covers in closer. But, as with any good PAX, I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that I had (sort of) made myself and my M a promise. 11 minutes later, teeth brushed and running gear on, I was in the car, heading towards Bond Park.

With a few minutes to spare, I pull in, seeing the trusty mug of Callahan along with Ollie and Snots all stretching like the good runners that they are. Pulling on my gloves and wandering over, I said my greetings and joined in. Snots looked at me a little strangely.

“Didn’t I see your name on the Q-sheet,” he asked.

“No way. It’s my anniversary today. I need to be back by 6. Insomnia or bust for me,” I replied. Then I quickly ran back to the car to check said Q-sheet.

“Sheet,” I muttered, peeling out and yelling good-bye. 5:04AM. Plenty of time… to drive to the ends of the world that are Lions Den!

Pulling in at 5:28AM (deer-karkas-removal-related detour…), I realized there was not much time for look-about. Luckily I posted enough with Burt and Flip-Flop to know what a cluster-Q looks like. Let’s see what we can muster here.

Greetings and a Pledge later…. it’s time for


Mosey around the building, up the hill, down the hill (Theisman said they’d never been down that hill before) and back up another one, we circle up for:

  • 15 IC GM & IW
  • 15 IC SSH & Smurf-jacks
  • Leg stretchs & 15 IC merkins
  • 20 OYO burpees (care of Torpedo who apparently also go stuck in said deer-related-delay)


Split up into 3 groups.

Group 1: run the pickle… AMRAP

Group 2: 10x merkins & 20x dying cockroaches

Group 3: bear crawl & lunge walk the driveway at the church

Rotate through until all groups are done.

Second time through, Group 2: 10x merkins & 10x boat/canoes while Group 3: crab walks & gorilla hops same driveway. Group 1, no change

Rotate through until all groups are done.

Mosey to the railing for a series of australian pull-ups. 10-rest-8-rest-6-rest-8-rest-10-rest

To the far end of the parking lot for a billy run back to the flag


15x L/R heel-touches

Series of protractors

15x Hello Dolly’s

Have a Nice Day


19 men

Announcements: Oakwood 24; DZ Q is open. If I can get to LD, you can get to DZ. Step up.

Prayers for Ben/How How and family, Margaret, Capt. Kirk, friend who lost battle with addiction.

Praises for 15 years of marriage, M’s who allow us to get out here and do what we can


Really enjoyed this morning. It was a bit of a surprise for Jen to find me still not home by 6:30. Whoops.

It’s been a wonderful day today though. Ups-and-downs. Hardships (dog to the vet) and chaos (dentist appointment for the 2.1 during conference calls). But lots of laughs and love. The kids asked the restaurant manager to do something special for us for our anniversary. Loved it. Couldn’t ask for a better thing.

Thanks for letting me start year 15 with a bunch of dudes who will support me and push me but also show me that there’s a lot of good to life.

See also