Infinity and Beyond

Happy to be back heading up #TeamFOD this morning.  13 more pax decided to as well.  Looked like 5 enjoyed a new signature EC run in as well.  We aren’t all blessed to have AOs within running distance to our houses, people.

(At least you don’t do like some pax, whom shall remain nameless, and make them run to you and name the EC run that you only half partake in after yourself.  #ABB, amiright?  Love you mean it, HK.)

Luckily by 0545 we could all pronounce Beaker’s last name.  Just kidding maybe half could…but it was still 0545 so we had to go!

Warm Up

Follow your Q and pay attention to the route.  It will come in handy for Thang 1… Circle up at the baseball (that’s how you know the pax count is a good number!  You can fit on the baseball!)

  • Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Arm Circles-overhead claps-arm circles, SSH

The Thang

Thang 1:  Infinity Loop

Some call it a figure 8 but whatever.  Infinity sounds way cooler.  Run the route YHC just took you on.  When you get back to the intersection of the loop, depending on your direction, you with either do a bear crawl or merkins at the shelter.

3 laps =  20 Table Top Urkins, 15 Bench Top Urkins, 10 Derkins

Plank a bit while 6 arrives

On the way to Thang 2 we did Fast Inflating BLIMPS at the light poles:  2 burpees, 4 lunges, 6 imperial march, 8 merkins, 10 plank jacks, 12 squats

Thang 2:  Agility Lines

Trying out something new here.  Get on the horizontal parking lot line that divides the row of parking spots so each pax has 2 parking spots.

Phase 1:  Side shuffle from end of parking spot 1 to parking spot 2 and do 1 squat jump.  Keep shuffling back and forth until you have done 10 total jump squats.  And go FAST! Phase 2;  No turn so your facing one spot and your other spot is behind you.  Sprint forward, 1 burpee, backwards run 1 burpee, repeat until 10 total burpees.

YHC was short on breath so we moved on.  Sky Blue, although on the metric system, likes to do things in 3s though.  Noted.

Thang 3:  Catch Me If You Can Soccer Field Laps

The name says it all.  20 single count mountain climbers once you are caught.  We did two laps.  Planked while we waited for the 6.

Heading back out and plenty of time to spare we hit the parking lot lines again.  For Sky Blue!

This time…  Plank walk left to left side of parking spot, merkin, plank walk right to right side of spot, merkin.  Until you hit ten.  Somehow this skinned YHCs knees up.  Oh, that’s right b/c he was weak and fatigued and crawling half the time!  #GetBetter.

Heading out of the lot now and STILL plenty of the time we did ascending BLIMPS but this time not repeating and adding exercises.  So light pole 1 was 12 squats, light pole 2 was 10 plankjacks (no squats).  This got us down the hill quicker.

And because of this STILL MORE TIME!  We moved quite a bit faster through each Thang then was Q had planned but that’s great!  Let’s do some sprints!

2 full court sprints and 1 suicide to close it out.

Mary left us with enough time to do 20 reverse LBCs in cadence.



  • Open Out’s baby day!
  • Jeremy who is the brother of good friends of Butterscotch and myself.  Lost his house and was badly burned in a fire.
  • Both young Lukes and their cancer treatments!


  • Beaker’s last name.
  • Callahan’s 1 sentence in French he knows.
  • Nature Boy’s love for Good Mornings.
  • Wilber’s neon arms during SSH.
  • Biner’s claim his kids have in fact seen him smile.  Once.  At their birth.
  • Nature Boy’s park job.  In the middle of pre-beatdown circle.
  • Franklin’s fear of the Po Po not letting Nature Boy somehow park even closer to the pre-beatdown circle.
  • Moo lisa?  Beaker’s last name.
  • #TeamFODolliaseauxque

Good times, fellas.  Good times.

See also