Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration 2020

8 Pax showed up at a very foggy Wild Wild West (that YHC completely expected to be Wet and Wild) on this 2nd Monday in October . Respectfully 1 decided to distance himself due to a wild weekend of debauchery (TYFYL).

The other 7 mosey around the front of the school and back to the basketball court…

Warm Up

5 Good Mornings

40 SSH

30 Imperial Walkers

20 Sir Fazio F bigger R Bigger

10 Windmills

Runner stretch

Calf stretch

Indigenous peoples exercises - Pax form a line and perform the exercise while waiting the for the 6 to reach the front

  • Round 1: Pax Merkins, Last Man Bear Crawl => mosey then to the end of the parking-lot
  • Round 2: Pax Squats, Last Man  =>Lung walk then mosey to the end of the parking-lot
  • Round 3: Pax Crab cake, Last Man  => Crab walk then mosey to the end of the parking-lot
  • Round 4: Pax Imperial Walker, Last Man  => Duck walk then mosey to the end of the parking-lot

Line up on the fence

  • Round 5: Peoples Chair, Last Man  =>Suicide runs the parking lot. walk then mosey to the end of the parking-lot

Interrupted by teachers arriving for work – mosey to another spot to finish / Find another wall…

  • Round 6: Pax BTTW, Last Man  =>Suicide run the Sidewalk mosey to the flag parking-lot
  • Round 7&8 => Repeat 1& 2

True/Standard Indigenous people run back to the flag


  • Low slow flutter
  • Control Freak - Homer-to-Marge & have a nice day


  • Cataracts: Family member Art recovering from cancer treatment
  • The family of the many members of our community who are dealing with loss and from car collisions


Great to lead these HIM this morning. I did a little research prior to theming my Q and can’t speak for ANY Native Americans, but what I found was that the “Indian Run” was named after them due to the procedure they leveraged around their tribal celebration.

That said I’m planning to donate to the Native American Heritage Association on behalf of all HIM’s present this morning and I encourage you to do your part as well.

See also