Inclined to sprint

Warm up

Twas a chilly morning and YHC knew there would be some tight hams around so elected to pledge then go for a longer warm up jog than the customary pickle and a half: Out of the car park, left on Norwell, left on NW Cary, left into the trees (lights on), immediately left up the steps and then along the little used, slightly dangerous, trail back to the bottom of the car park. During the run, Free Lunch mentioned he was bringing along an FNG who may still be around the car park when we got back…

Good Mornings x 5, Windmills x 10, (quick break to welcome FNG to F3 and brief him on Q’s professional fitness expertise status (none) and his responsibility to mod as necessary) (PAX did something during this period, but YHC wasn’t paying attention) (I think that something was just chatter though), Inch worms x 5 (some chatter about doing “old man exercises”, but dynamic, functional stretches like these help both prepare the body for the activity ahead and in everyday life: For example, if you’re trying to tie your 2.0’s shoelace and he keeps moving backward and forward while you’re doing it, you’ll be glad you practiced the Inch worm.)

Thing 1 - Sprint Sevens

Fellowship sevens with star jumps at the bottom of the car park, OYO AFAYCG sprints up the incline, plank until six is in, star jumps at top, mosey back down. PAX informed that this was the only running for the day and so they should make it good and fast. (YHC felt slightly guilty that this was the first exposure our FNG had to F3).

Thing 2 - No run Dora

Having promised no more running, we moved to a no run Dora: Partner up for 100 elevated merkins, 200 tricep dips, 300 squats on the benches in the shelter, partner moseys to car park and does 20 Mountain Climbers then 30 Freddie Mercuries in cadence (lrlr = 1) in lieu of pickle.

Thing 2.5 - A couple of pickles

There was a request to get to two miles total, so we did.


Shoe Horn kind of called American Hammers, Press On chose Box Cutters, Hi-liter inflicted side-plank-straddle-star-crunches, Ma Bell followed with Copperhead Merkins, Jigglypuff went for Homer to Marges and Free Lunch finished with LBCs. All followed by have a nice day.


Spaced Out is a father of three, software guru, and athlete-who’s-had-three-kids. EHd by Free Lunch. Great work, both!


There’s a Bacon Run on Saturday. I believe this is in honor of Sir Francis Bacon whose works on the scientific method sparked a revolution in Renaissance thinking. His legacy will be explored through an exhaustive investigation into the preparation, degustation and digestive impact of large quantities of sliced pork product after running. Run starts at 5:30 from The Green Mile, with various other run options and other AOs converging for Bacon at TGM from 7:30am.

YHC led us out.

Site Q Changeover

Photo courtesy of JigglyPuff

The DZ site Q changeover ceremony was also performed today! Flip Flop and Pierogi have been inducted into the hall of fame and passed the flag to Coney and YHC.

Thank you to all previous site Qs. I am honored to have the opportunity to contribute at such a well-established AO and am looking forward to partnering with Coney on this.

See also