In a Spring Daze

What is the meaning of all of this traffic coming into Bond Park at 0615? I would love to say the 50 cars YHC observed roll in in about about a 10 minute span where pax upon pax coming to receive the highly anticipated beat-down that was near to launch hosted by yours truly. But alas they were not. While the pax turnout of 25 was nothing to sneeze at, this was not going to be a typical quiet morning with the 310 acres of Bond Park to ourselves.

Mosey on over to the parking lot of the community center with some ad-on drills to include High Knee, Butt Kickers, Cariocas and Bear Crawl (always a sure fire way to get the grumbling started early).

Warm-up: SSH, Steve Earle, Cotton Picker, Hello Dolly (with Callahan in attendance I decided to get this one out of the way early. Not that the mumble chatter needed a jump-start but it got one when this was called), Australian Snow Angel, Good Morning.

Partnering up we gathered two traveling rocks each for some: Lunge with an over-head press, Partner work: 20 curls while partner does Australian Mountain Climbers. Sensing the need to keep the pax stimulated I cut this short and moved on to Thang 2.

As we mosey to the Lazy Daze playground for some Dora we did so weaving our way through 100s of arts and crafts tents and vendors driving in to man their tents. Little did we know but we had found ourselves in the heart of the Cary Spring Daze Arts and Crafts Festival.

Thang 2: Dora 1-2-3, 100 Pullups, 200 J-Lo, 300 Jack Web Overhead press.

Our mosey to the planned site of Thang 3 was just as eventful as orange netting met us at every access to point to the beach near the Bond Park boat house. No Sugar Cookies today kids. In our search for an entrance we found our way to the bottom of a steep boat ramp with restless pax wonder why we seemed to be wandering. Fair enough. Modified Thang 3: Partnering back up Crawl Bear up said steep boat ramp while P2 does jump squats until P1 returns. Flap jack, X5. Yikes!

A short jaunt to the top of the dam to take in the beautiful imagery that is Bond Park Lake in the early dawn. Some stretching was done on-site before returning to the Flag for Mary.

Mary: Home to Marge, Crunchy Frog and HAND (courtesy of Pigeon).


See also